6 Interesting Facts about B+ Blood Type - FactsKing.com (2024)

Since ancient times people believed blood to be the “liquid substance” that plays a significant role in the life of humans. During the course of history, those interested in science in biology made efforts to understand the nature and peculiarities of blood. On the basis of their experiments and researches there was made the following conclusion: blood is life due to the fact that it performs a set of functions that are vital to the normal functioning of the organism. The structure of blood stays relatively the same during all the lifetime of a person.

There is a number of characteristics closely related to blood type. One of them is Rhesus factor. Even though blood type is linked with Rhesus factor, these two aspects are totally independent and don’t define each other. What is Rhesus factor? It’s a certain protein that is passed from parents to children. In case the protein is detected in your blood you’re said to be Rh positive. In case the protein isn’t detected, you’re said to be Rh negative.

The latest statistical data show that of all the world population only 15% of people are Rh negative. The truth is that Rh factor doesn’t mean that a person is more inclined to have problems with the immune system, level of metabolism or health in general. It’s just an inherited, unchangeable characteristic.

According to modern classification, there are 4 blood types: O, A, B and AB. Each of the blood types has its own peculiarities. In this particular article we’ll discover facts about B positive Blood Type that you may not know.

Interesting Facts about B Positive Blood Type

1. Origin and type of identity

Type of identity – “Nomad”. Approximately 10 to 20% of all people living in the world have this blood type, which is an interesting fact about B+ blood type.

The blood type appeared more than 10000 years ago as a result of mixture of different populations and adaptation to climate. These were the times when people started to actively move to and inhabit northern regions in different parts of the world.

2. Traits of character

Main: flexibility, calmness, kindness, purposefulness.

People who have this blood type are open and optimistic individuals who set up high standards in terms of themselves and those who surround them. Comfort doesn’t mean much to them and they hate routine. It kills them slowly. These people are adventurous and they will never miss out on the opportunity for a change in their lives.

They successfully live below their means and take pride in being strong, independent individuals. (The thing to remember is to not be too independent. If you find yourself lonely and with no one to keep you company then it’s probably your focus on independence that is to be blamed for that) One more thing that should be kept in mind is that these people can’t stand injustice. They will rather put an end to the relationships than continue communicating with those who don’t respect them.

Even though these people are open and kind, building relationships is sometimes hard for them. Why? Because they keep people they don’t know well at a distance. They don’t open up until they start trusting a person. Once this happens, you get a devoted friend for life.

Their gift is creative thinking that allows them to look at a situation from different angles and find an unusual solution to the problem at hand.

3. Health

An interesting fact about B+ blood type is that people of this blood type have a strong immune system and stable nervous system. They are not likely to suffer from the diseases of the digestive system because it can adapt to the changes in diet rather fast.

Even though they may seem to be super-heroes who can protect themselves from any possible danger, there is a couple of aspects they need to pay attention to in terms of their health. These people are prone to the following diseases and health problems:

  • Diabetes (I type)
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Autoimmune diseases (lupus, Lou Gehrig’s disease, multiple sclerosis)

4. Recommended diet

People of this blood type can eat whatever they want since there are no limitations restricting them to any particular type of a diet. However, they are recommended to avoid eating canned products and drinking too much alcohol.

An ideally balanced diet in their case should be a combination of the following foods and products:

  • Fish
  • Mutton
  • Dairy products
  • Vegetables (greens, carrot, tomatoes etc.)
  • Rice

They are recommended to replace coffee with tea and add olive oil to the meals they eat.

Eating habits are seen as one of the most significant aspects influencing health and body weight. If your blood type is B+ and you want to lose weight, it will be better to exclude corn, any type of fried dishes, nuts and bread from your diet.

5. Sport and exercising

In modern world stress has become a number one enemy. Some people are more prone to stress while others are more skillful in resisting it. Exercises and physical activity are proved to be the most effective ways of beating stress.

An useful fact about B+ blood type is that people with B+ blood type will benefit from the following types of sport and physical activity:

  • Swimming
  • Tennis
  • Cycling
  • Mountain climbing

6. Blood compatibility

  • Donor: recipients with B and AB blood type
  • Recipient: donors with O and B blood type

Of course, there may be exceptions to the general “rules” mentioned above. Being a B Positive Blood Type Person doesn’t necessarily mean that you possess all the personality traits that people of this blood type share or that you’ll suffer from a particular disease in future.

However, remembering these facts can help you to better take care of your health and avoid unnecessary health problems. Taking advantage of the strongest personality traits you can build deeper relationships with people and achieve bigger success in career.

I hope that this article on B+ Blood Type Facts was helpful! If you are interested, visit the Health Facts Page!

6 Interesting Facts about B+ Blood Type - FactsKing.com (2024)
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