How To Set Cruise Control Tesla Model Y - Voyager Info (2024)

Ever wished for a more relaxed and smooth driving journey? Get ready to be amazed because I’m about to reveal how to engage cruise control in the Tesla Model Y.

Whether you’re embarking on a long road trip or simply want to enjoy a stress-free commute, cruise control can be your ultimate driving companion.

In this article, I will guide you through the step-by-step process of activating and customizing cruise control settings on your Tesla Model Y.

From understanding the controls on the steering wheel to utilizing Autosteer for added convenience, we will cover it all.

So, buckle up and prepare to take control of your journey like never before with this incredible feature.


How To Set Cruise Control Tesla Model Y - Voyager Info (1)

Get ready, because setting cruise control in your Tesla Model Y is about to revolutionize your driving experience!

Key Takeaways

  • Cruise control in Tesla Model Y can be activated by pushing the cruise control lever upwards.
  • The speed can be adjusted using the steering wheel buttons, and the autopilot system maintains a safe distance from vehicles ahead.
  • Cruise control can be easily disengaged by applying pressure to the brake or accelerator pedal.
  • Customizing cruise control settings allows for a personalized driving experience and enhanced convenience on the road.

Understand the Controls on the Steering Wheel

To set cruise control on your Tesla Model Y, simply grasp the steering wheel and familiarize yourself with the controls at your fingertips. The cruise control feature on the Model Y is designed to make your driving experience more convenient and enjoyable.

Adjusting sensitivity is one of the key features of this system. By using the buttons on the right side of the steering wheel, you can increase or decrease the distance between your car and other vehicles on the road. This allows you to customize how close or far you want to follow another vehicle while in traffic.

Another useful control is activating voice control. By pressing and holding down the right scroll button on the steering wheel, you can activate voice commands to adjust various settings without taking your hands off the wheel.


How To Set Cruise Control Tesla Model Y - Voyager Info (2)

Once you are comfortable with these controls, let’s move on to accessing the cruise control menu on the touchscreen.

Access the Cruise Control Menu on the Touchscreen

To access the cruise control menu on the touchscreen of my Tesla Model Y, I first locate the Controls Tab. This can be found on the bottom bar of the main screen.

Once I tap on the Controls Tab, I am directed to a menu where I can find the Cruise Control option. It is usually located towards the top of the menu, making it easy to spot and select.

Locate the Controls Tab

First, locate the Controls tab on the touchscreen. Tap on the ‘Controls’ icon, represented by a steering wheel. This will take you to the Controls tab where you can customize various options. Scroll down or swipe left to find the Cruise Control option. Tap on it to access the cruise control settings. Here, you can adjust your desired speed limit and enable features like Traffic-Aware Cruise Control and Autosteer. Once you have familiarized yourself with the Controls tab and located the cruise control option, you can effortlessly set up your Tesla Model Y’s cruise control system.

Find the Cruise Control Option

Once you’ve located the Controls tab and tapped on the steering wheel icon, finding the Cruise Control option is a breeze. It can be found under the Autopilot section of the Controls tab. When you tap on it, a menu will appear with various cruise control options to choose from.


How To Set Cruise Control Tesla Model Y - Voyager Info (3)

Under the Cruise Control section, you will find two sub-lists that highlight its benefits and alternatives. The first sub-list focuses on the benefits of using cruise control in your Tesla Model Y. These include reducing fatigue during long drives, maintaining a consistent speed, and improving fuel efficiency. The second sub-list explores alternative options to traditional cruise control, such as Adaptive Cruise Control and Traffic-Aware Cruise Control.

Now that you know where to find the Cruise Control option and have learned about its benefits and alternatives, it’s time to set your desired speed for a smooth driving experience.

Set Your Desired Speed

To set your desired speed on the Tesla Model Y’s cruise control, you can use the scroll wheel located on the steering wheel. Simply scroll up to increase the speed or scroll down to decrease it.


How To Set Cruise Control Tesla Model Y - Voyager Info (4)

In addition to this, you also have the option to adjust the Speed Limit Offset. This feature allows you to set a specific offset above or below the detected speed limit, giving you more precise control over your desired speed.

The Speed Limit Offset feature comes in handy when you want to drive slightly faster or slower than the posted limit while using cruise control.

By utilizing the scroll wheel and the Speed Limit Offset, you can easily and accurately set your desired speed for a comfortable and controlled driving experience.

Use the Scroll Wheel on the Steering Wheel

Use the scroll wheel on your Tesla Model Y’s steering wheel to easily set cruise control. This feature allows you to maintain a consistent speed without constantly pressing the accelerator pedal. To activate cruise control, simply press the scroll wheel down once. A three-column and three-row table can help illustrate this process:

Press scroll wheelCruise control buttonActivates cruise control
Rotate upIncrease speedSpeed limit goes higher
Rotate downDecrease speedSpeed limit goes lower

Once you’ve set your desired speed using the scroll wheel, you can also adjust the speed limit offset, which will be discussed in the next section. By utilizing the scroll wheel, you have an effortless way of activating cruise control and maintaining a steady pace on your Tesla Model Y.


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Adjust the Speed Limit Offset

As you journey on the road of speed, your Tesla Model Y grants you the power to fine-tune your velocity with a simple twist, allowing you to dance gracefully between the limits of swiftness and restraint.

One important feature to be aware of is the ability to adjust the speed limit offset on your cruise control settings. This setting allows you to set a higher or lower speed limit than what is displayed on the road signs.

To adjust this, simply navigate to the Autopilot settings in your vehicle’s touchscreen display, select ‘Cruise Control’, and then adjust the ‘Speed Limit Offset’ slider to your desired value. This can be particularly useful when encountering areas where there may be discrepancies between posted limits and actual driving conditions.

Now that we have mastered adjusting the speed limit, let’s move on to how we can adjust our following distance for an even smoother ride.

Adjust the Following Distance

To adjust the following distance on your Tesla Model Y’s cruise control, follow these steps:


How To Set Cruise Control Tesla Model Y - Voyager Info (6)

  1. Go to your Tesla’s touchscreen display.
  2. Navigate to the Autopilot settings.
  3. Select ‘Adjust Following Distance’.
  4. Use the slider to increase or decrease sensitivity according to your preference.

If you find that your Model Y is not maintaining the desired distance, you can troubleshoot this issue by:

  1. Checking if there are any obstructions in front of the sensors.
  2. Recalibrating the sensors through the Autopilot menu.

Once you have adjusted the following distance, you can engage cruise control with confidence, knowing that your Model Y will maintain a safe gap between vehicles.

Engage Cruise Control

Now that you have adjusted the following distance, let’s move on to engaging cruise control in your Tesla Model Y.

Engaging cruise control allows you to maintain a consistent speed without having to constantly press the accelerator pedal. To engage cruise control, simply press the stalk on the right side of the steering wheel downward. Once engaged, you can use the touchscreen to adjust your desired speed.

Using cruise control effectively can greatly enhance your driving experience, providing a more relaxed and efficient journey. However, there may be instances where you encounter issues with your cruise control functionality. Some common troubleshooting steps include checking for any error messages on your touchscreen display and ensuring that all relevant sensors are clean and unobstructed.

Now that we’ve covered how to engage cruise control effectively and troubleshoot any potential issues, let’s move on to disengaging cruise control effortlessly.

Disengage Cruise Control

To disengage cruise control in the Tesla Model Y, I simply press the cruise control lever upwards. This action cancels the set speed and disables the system.


How To Set Cruise Control Tesla Model Y - Voyager Info (7)

Alternatively, I can also apply either the brakes or accelerator pedal to disengage cruise control.

These methods allow for easy and quick deactivation of cruise control, providing a seamless transition back to manual driving.

Press the Cruise Control Lever Upwards

Gently push the cruise control lever upwards to engage this convenient feature in your Tesla Model Y. Cruise control allows you to maintain a steady speed without constantly adjusting the accelerator pedal. It’s perfect for long drives or when you want to relax on the highway. Once engaged, you can use the buttons on the right side of the steering wheel to adjust your speed up or down, and even set a specific speed limit. Additionally, Tesla’s advanced Autopilot system uses sensors and cameras to automatically maintain a safe distance from vehicles ahead. This ensures that your Model Y will slow down or speed up as needed, providing an added layer of convenience and safety on the road.

To disengage cruise control and take back manual control, simply apply pressure to either the brake or accelerator pedal.

Apply the Brakes or Accelerator Pedal

When you want to regain manual control of your vehicle, simply apply pressure to either the brake or accelerator pedal and experience the thrill of being in complete command.


How To Set Cruise Control Tesla Model Y - Voyager Info (8)

To adjust your speed while using cruise control on the Tesla Model Y, follow these steps:

  1. Gently press the brakes: If you need to slow down or come to a complete stop, applying slight pressure to the brake pedal will disengage cruise control.

  2. Release the brakes: Once you have adjusted your speed or stopped completely, release the brakes to resume cruise control. The vehicle will maintain its set speed until further adjustments are made.

  3. Apply slight pressure on the accelerator: If you need to increase your speed while using cruise control, gently pressing the accelerator pedal will allow you to do so without disengaging cruise control.

  4. Maintain desired speed: After adjusting your speed with either the brakes or accelerator, cruise control will continue maintaining that new set speed until manually changed again.

Now that you know how to apply brakes and adjust speed with ease, let’s explore how to use autosteer for added convenience.

Use Autosteer for Added Convenience

Using Autosteer in my Tesla Model Y has revolutionized my driving experience. It effortlessly adds convenience and makes long drives a breeze.

One of the main benefits of Autosteer is that it allows me to relax and let the car do most of the work. It helps maintain a steady speed and keeps the car centered within its lane, reducing driver fatigue on those monotonous highway stretches.

However, it’s important to note that Autosteer does have its limitations. It’s designed for use on highways with clear lane markings and doesn’t replace the need for attentive driving.


How To Set Cruise Control Tesla Model Y - Voyager Info (9)

Now, let’s talk about how to customize cruise control settings for an even more personalized driving experience with your Tesla Model Y…

Customize Cruise Control Settings

To customize the cruise control settings on my Tesla Model Y, I can access the Autopilot settings from the main menu. Once there, I have the option to adjust both the speed and following distance defaults to my liking.

This allows me to personalize my driving experience and ensure that it aligns with my preferences and comfort level on the road.

Access the Autopilot Settings

Accessing the Autopilot Settings allows you to customize your Tesla Model Y’s cruise control experience. By accessing these settings, you can unlock a whole range of features and troubleshoot common cruise control issues.

First, you can access the Autopilot settings by tapping on the ‘Controls’ icon on your car’s touchscreen display.


How To Set Cruise Control Tesla Model Y - Voyager Info (10)

From there, select ‘Autopilot’ and then ‘Cruise Control’. This will bring up a menu where you can adjust various settings such as speed limits, following distance defaults, and enable or disable features like Traffic-Aware Cruise Control.

In addition to customizing your cruise control experience, accessing the Autopilot settings also allows you to troubleshoot any common issues that may arise. You can reset or recalibrate sensors if necessary.

Adjusting the speed and following distance defaults is another important aspect of optimizing your Tesla Model Y’s cruise control experience.

Adjust the Speed and Following Distance Defaults

Adjusting the speed and following distance defaults in the Autopilot settings enhances your Tesla Model Y’s cruise control experience while providing an optimized level of customization. By fine-tuning these settings, you can tailor your Model Y’s cruise control to suit your personal preferences and driving style. To do this, access the Autopilot settings menu on the touchscreen display and navigate to the ‘Speed Limit’ section. Here, you can adjust the default speed limit for your vehicle when using cruise control. Additionally, you can modify the following distance setting to increase or decrease how closely your Model Y follows other vehicles on the road. Adjusting these sensitivity settings allows for a smoother and more responsive cruise control experience. If you encounter any issues with your cruise control, such as sudden braking or inconsistent speeds, be sure to troubleshoot common problems like recalibrating cameras or checking for software updates. It’s important to be mindful of road conditions and safety while using cruise control to ensure a safe and enjoyable driving experience.

Be Mindful of Road Conditions and Safety

When using cruise control in your Tesla Model Y, it is essential to be mindful of road conditions and prioritize safety. Here are some key points to consider:


How To Set Cruise Control Tesla Model Y - Voyager Info (11)

  • Road conditions: Before engaging cruise control, always assess the current state of the road. Factors like wet or icy surfaces, construction zones, or uneven pavement can impact vehicle performance. In such cases, it is advisable to switch to manual driving.

  • Safety precautions: Maintain a safe distance from other vehicles on the road to account for unexpected braking situations. Remain alert and ready to take control of the vehicle if necessary.

By being aware of road conditions and taking necessary safety precautions, you can enhance your driving experience with cruise control in your Tesla Model Y. Now, let’s move on to practicing and familiarizing yourself with the system without compromising safety.

Practice and Familiarize Yourself with the System

Now that you are aware of the importance of road conditions and safety while using cruise control in your Tesla Model Y, it’s time to focus on practicing and familiarizing yourself with the system.

This step is crucial to ensure effective use of cruise control. By dedicating some time to practice techniques, you can become more comfortable and confident in utilizing this feature.

Start by understanding how to activate and adjust the desired speed using the controls on your steering wheel or touchscreen display. Experiment with different settings and observe how the vehicle responds to your inputs.

It’s also helpful to practice engaging cruise control on different types of roads – highways, urban streets, and rural areas – so that you can adapt your approach accordingly.


How To Set Cruise Control Tesla Model Y - Voyager Info (12)

Remember, practice makes perfect when it comes to mastering cruise control in your Tesla Model Y!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use cruise control in heavy traffic?

Yes, cruise control can be used in heavy traffic. It offers several benefits such as reducing fatigue and maintaining a consistent speed. To use it effectively, maintain a safe following distance and be prepared to disengage it when necessary.

How do I set the maximum speed limit for cruise control?

To set the maximum speed limit for cruise control in a Tesla Model Y, I can adjust the cruise control sensitivity. This feature allows me to customize how quickly the vehicle accelerates or decelerates. Additionally, the Model Y automatically adjusts its speed on inclines to maintain a consistent pace.

Is it possible to adjust the sensitivity of the following distance while using cruise control?

Yes, it is possible to adjust the sensitivity of the following distance while using cruise control in a Tesla Model Y. You can customize the distance by accessing the settings and making adjustments according to your preference.

What is the recommended speed range to use cruise control?

The recommended speed range to use cruise control is typically between 25 and 75 miles per hour. Using cruise control not only helps maintain a consistent speed, but also improves fuel efficiency by reducing unnecessary acceleration and deceleration.


How To Set Cruise Control Tesla Model Y - Voyager Info (13)

Can I override cruise control and manually control the speed if needed?

Yes, you can override the cruise control and manually control the speed if needed. However, it’s important to do so safely and be aware of any potential safety concerns when taking manual control while driving.


In conclusion, mastering the cruise control feature in your Tesla Model Y is like harnessing the power of a trusty steed on the open road. By understanding and utilizing the controls on the steering wheel and touchscreen, you can effortlessly set your desired speed and adjust following distances.

Engaging cruise control is akin to giving your noble companion the reins, while Autosteer adds an extra layer of convenience. Customizing settings allows for a truly tailored experience.

However, it’s important to always be mindful of road conditions and prioritize safety above all else. With practice and familiarity, you’ll soon ride into the sunset with confidence and ease.


How To Set Cruise Control Tesla Model Y - Voyager Info (14)


Alfons is the visionary leader and driving force behind Voyager Info’s success. As the Editor in Chief, he brings a wealth of experience and an unwavering passion for travel to the helm of our cruise-centric platform.

With a lifelong fascination for exploring new horizons, Alfons discovered his love for the ocean and cruising at a young age. From sailing across pristine Caribbean waters to embarking on daring expeditions to far-flung destinations, he has amassed a treasure trove of first-hand experiences in the world of cruising.

How To Set Cruise Control Tesla Model Y - Voyager Info (2024)
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