The Desert Rose Season 3 walkthroughs (2024)

This page contains information about plot points and future story developments so read at your own risk!

The Desert Rose Season 3 walkthroughs (1)

Welcome to the The Desert Rose walkthroughs.

This page features the walkthroughs for Season 3. Click here if you are looking for walkthroughs for other seasons.

This book is complete.

What are walkthroughs? Walkthroughs are episode-by-episode guides that will reveal the effects each choice has on your character and the plot. Please note that these pages are always under construction as we learn more about each book.

Most choices you make for the Main Character in this book influence the following variables: Reverie ☀️, Rebellion 🗡️, The Desert Flower 🌹 and The City Kid 🏙️.

PLEASE NOTE: choices that have no significant effect on the plot (as in, no effect on game points and statistics) or that do not give interesting information on characters or backstories might have not been included in the walkthroughs.

Premium choices that require in-game currency to be unlocked are marked by a 💎 diamond symbol. Quick choices that are timed are marked by a ⏰ timer symbol.

DISCLAIMER: This story mentions real-life places but makes no claim to authenticity. All the events and characters in the story are fictitious. The characters' actions do not reflect the developers' views.
In Season 1, Episode 11 you will be given the option to have a less physical relationship with your LI or a more physical relationship with your LI which will influence your choices going forward. In the walkthroughs they will be marked with a 💚 for less physical and a 💜 for more physical.

⚠️TRIGGER WARNINGS: Ep5 contains scenes of violence and murder. Ep10, Ep11, Ep12" contain descriptions of violence and death. Ep11 & Ep12 contains descriptions of dubious consent.DISCLAIMER: due to the very intricate nature of this game, where every choice you make sets into motion a complicated series of consequences, there are many possible game routes and scene combinations. As a result, the walkthroughs on this wiki might not be exactly identical to your game experience. If you experience something that is not covered in our walkthroughs, please leave a comment so we can update the page and add an extra possible route to our wiki.

Also please note: The descriptions of the scenes included in these walkthroughs might be paraphrases of what happens, so please don't take them as word by word copies of what is said in the book.

Do you have more questions or comments? Come and join us on the Reddit fan community!

In this season you will need:

40 Rebellion🗡️ points
40 Reverie☀️ points
for Episode 1
2 The City Kid🏙️ points
2 The Desert Flower🌹 points
for Episode 5
65 Rebellion🗡️ points
65 Reverie☀️ points
for Episode 10
4 or 6 The City Kid🏙️ points
4 or 6 The Desert Flower🌹 points
70 Rebellion🗡️ points
70 Reverie☀️ points
for Episode 11


  • 1 S3, Ep 1: Mirage
  • 2 S3, Ep 2: The Letter
  • 3 S3, Ep 3: Clash
  • 4 S3, Ep 4: The Hunt
  • 5 S3, Ep 5: Feat
  • 6 S3, Ep 6: Quiet
  • 7 S3, Ep 7: Flame
  • 8 S3, Ep 8: Rubedo
  • 9 S3, Ep 9: Nigredo
  • 10 S3, Ep 10: A Woman's Mark
  • 11 S3, Ep 11: Warda Al Sahra
  • 12 S3, Ep 12: Closure

S3, Ep 1: Mirage

How can you escape and help the others?

⏰ Timed Choice: "My eyes... I must protect them from the sand."

  • (Cover them with your hand.)✅ (If you have the special outfit: [❗Your special outfit protected you!]) (If you don't have the special outfit: [❗You were able to protect yourself!])
  • (Cover them with the veil.)❌ (Only available if you have the special outfit) [❗Your special outfit could have protected you, but you made the wrong choices!]
  • (Try to cover your face with a piece of cloth.)❌ (Only available if you don't have the special outfit) [❗You failed to protect yourself!]
  • (Don't do anything.)❌ (If you have the special outfit: [❗Your special outfit could have protected you, but you made the wrong choices!]) (If you don't have the special outfit: [❗You failed to protect yourself!])

❗An hour later...

Path scene:

  • Path of Reverie ☀️: You find a woman stranded in the desert.
    • Choice: "Should I try to help her?"
      • "Yes." (You need 40 Reverie☀️ points) [❗The Bedouin won't forget your help!] (Choosing this is the fourth step toward being able to develop a theory in S3, Ep5)
      • "No." (Free) [No effect]
  • Path of Rebellion 🗡️: You find a woman stranded in the desert.
    • Choice: "Should I try to help her?"
      • "Yes." (You need 40 Rebellion🗡️ points) [❗The Bedouin won't forget your help!] (Choosing this is the fourth step toward being able to develop a theory in S3, Ep5)
      • "No." (Free) [No effect]

Choice: ...(You can choose all of them.) [No effect]

  • What exactly do you remember?
  • Did he talk to you?
  • Did they mention anyone influential?

Note: If you sang a lullaby to the girl in S2 Ep2 you will see: [❗You've learned very important information!]

Adil's Romance Path

❤️ Choice: And memories...

  • Of one person. (💎64) [❗Adil's love for you is very strong!]
    • Choice: ...
      • I will be as direct as I can. [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
      • The truth can be harsh. I don't want to hurt him too much. [+1 Reverie☀️]
  • Of home. (Free)

Cindy's Romance Path

❤️ Choice: And memories...

  • Of one person. (💎64) [❗Cindy is worried. Above all, she's worried about you!]
    • Choice: "Jean-Luc seems to be telling the truth, but..."
      • "I have to be very careful. [+1 Reverie☀️]
      • "I'll keep an eye on him." [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • Of home. (Free)

Jack's Romance Path

❤️ Choice: And memories...

  • Of one person. (💎64) [❗Sugarloaf Mountain] [❗You're always in his thoughts!]
    • Choice: "I just need to..."
      • "Be patient." [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
      • "Hope for a miracle." [+1 Reverie☀️]
  • Of home. (Free)

Mustafa's Romance Path

❤️ Choice: And memories...

  • Of one person. (💎64) [❗If you are determined enough, you can find a way to achieve what you want, even if it is very difficult to do.] [❗Mustafa will find a way to protect you!]
    • Choice: "Excellent."
      • "I'll be extremely careful." [+1 Reverie☀️]
      • "I'll have fun." [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • Of home. (Free)

Zain's Romance Path

❤️ Choice: And memories...(If you're not on Zain's loyal romance path, skip this choice.)

  • Of one person. (💎64) [❗It's getting harder for Zain to fight his feelings for you!]
    • Choice: "I should..."
      • "Stall for time." [+1 Reverie☀️]
      • "Take a proactive approach." [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • Of home. (Free)

❗In the Sahara.

👗 Wardrobe Choice: Choose an outfit.[No effect]

  • Wasteland (Free)
  • Boundless expanses (💎18)
  • Caravan (💎33)
  • Choose all (💎46) [❗All options have been added to your wardrobe!] [❗Choose what you want to wear now.] (⚠️ This option will not be available during diamond rush events.)

👗 Wardrobe Choice: Choose a hairstyle.[No effect]

  • Levant viper (Free)
  • Taipan (💎18)
  • Cobra (💎33)
  • Choose all (💎46) [❗All options have been added to your wardrobe!] [❗Choose what you want to wear now.] (⚠️ This option will not be available during diamond rush events.)

👗 Wardrobe Choice: Choose a veil.[No effect]

  • Stars (Free)
  • Sun (💎18)
  • Moon (💎33)
  • Choose all (💎46) [❗All options have been added to your wardrobe!] [❗Choose what you want to wear now.] (⚠️ This option will not be available during diamond rush events.)

💎 Choice: "Maybe I should get her to talk to me?"

  • "Yes." (💎18) (If you helped Gurub earlier in the episode: [❗You helped Gurub, and she ended up sharing important information with you in return!]) [❗You managed to learn something important!]
  • "No." (Free) [No effect]

Choice: God...

  • What's going on? [+1 Reverie☀️]
  • We should go to them. [+1 Rebellion🗡️]

Note: You need at least two out of three - If you kept the flower in S1, Ep2, Have a good relationship with the rebel, and supported the rebel's ideas you will see: [❗They see you as a leader!]

❗Somewhere in the Sahara.

Saeed's Romance Path

❤️ Choice: And Saeed was thinking...

  • About her. (💎18) [❗Saeed is very fond of you!]
  • About himself. (Free)

❗In the Bedouin settlement.

💎 Choice: ...[No effect]

  • Yes. (💎18) (You find out the extent of Bashir's feelings for Salma.)
  • Just give me the gist of it. (Free)

CG unlocked

Maximum stat points available in episode 1:

  • +2 Reverie or Rebellion☀️🗡️

Maximum amount of diamonds needed in episode 1: 💎36 (+💎138 for wardrobe)

Note: Adil/Cindy/Jack/Mustafa/Zain: +💎64, Saeed: +💎18

S3, Ep 2: The Letter

With problems piling up, there is no escape from fear, not even in your dreams.

Choice: "Hah..."

  • "This is a travesty..." [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • "What do I do now?" [+1 Reverie☀️]

Choice: So...

  • It's in your best interest to let me go. [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • Maybe you should let me go? [+1 Reverie☀️]

Choice: Hmm...

  • How soon? [+1 Reverie☀️]
  • I'm not even supposed to be here. [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • (Stay silent.) [No effect]

Note: If you kept the rebel flower in S1 Ep2 you will see: [❗Be careful! You heard that for a reason!] and later [❗Zain managed to help you, this time...]

Note: If you are on Zain's romance path and kept the rebel flower in S1 Ep2 you will see: [❗Zain is beside himself. You're about to have a serious conversation!]

Choice: Do you think...

  • That was when it all started?
  • It doesn't have to do with Sefer?
  • Murad Saleh is involved?
  • Blackmort is involved? ✅ (Correct)

👗 Wardrobe Choice: Choose an outfit.[No effect]

  • Essaouira (Free)
  • Ouarzazate (💎23)
  • Ifrane (💎26)
  • Choose all (💎44) [❗All options have been added to your wardrobe!] [❗Choose what you want to wear now.] (⚠️ This option will not be available during diamond rush events.)

👗 Wardrobe Choice: Choose a hairstyle.[No effect]

  • Glimmer (Free)
  • Reflection (💎23)
  • Kiss of the sun (💎26)
  • Choose all (💎44) [❗All options have been added to your wardrobe!] [❗Choose what you want to wear now.] (⚠️ This option will not be available during diamond rush events.)

Adil's Romance Path

❤️ Choice: Well, then...

  • I have to take care of something. (💎77) (CG unlocked) [❗You are terrified of losing each other!]
    • Choice: Yasmin pinched him playfully, and he kissed her...
      • Passionately.
      • Gently.
  • Shall we go get something to eat? (Free)

Cindy's Romance Path

❤️ Choice: Well, then...

  • Shall we stay here? (💎77) (CG unlocked) [❗You and Cindy support each other!]
    • Choice: ...
      • No.
      • A little.
  • Shall we go get something to eat? (Free)

Jack's Romance Path

❤️ Choice: Well, then...

  • I'll go check on Jack. (💎77) (CG unlocked) [❗Your love has the power to help him!]
  • Shall we go get something to eat? (Free)

Mustafa's Romance Path

❤️ Choice: Well, then...

  • I'll text Amira again. (💎77) (CG unlocked) [❗Your love can help you find your way to him!]
  • Shall we go get something to eat? (Free)

Zain's Romance Path

❤️ Choice: Well, then...

  • I'll text Zain. (💎77) (CG unlocked) [❗Zain is really worried about you!]
    • Choice: ...
      • Hahaha!
      • Are you kidding? [No effect]
  • Shall we go get something to eat? (Free)

Only available if you went to get something to eat with Cindy

💎 Choice: "Should I tell her what happened at the police station?"

  • "Yes." (💎23) [❗Your choice will affect the plot significantly!]
  • "No." (Free) [No effect]

Saeed's Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...

  • She remembered it well. (💎23) (CG unlocked) [❗You care about each other!]
  • She didn't remember it. (Free)

Jaffar's Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...

  • She remembered it well. (💎23) (CG unlocked) [❗You care about each other!]
  • She didn't remember it. (Free)

💎 Choice: She had concerns...

  • About the incident at the police station. (💎23) [❗Your choice will affect the plot significantly!]
  • About how she and Jack were doing. (Free) [No effect]

Maximum stat points available in episode 2:

  • +3 Reverie or Rebellion☀️🗡️

Maximum amount of diamonds needed in episode 2: 💎23 (+💎88 for wardrobe)

Note: Adil/Cindy/Jack/Mustafa/Zain: +💎77, Saeed/Jaffar: +💎23

S3, Ep 3: Clash

Mustafa is in great danger: is this the end?

Choice: "There's no other way."

  • "I have to be nice to him." [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • "I have to be polite." [+1 Reverie☀️]

Only available if Blackmort has been helping you

Choice: I think...

  • He deserves it. [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • It has all been leading up to this. [+1 Reverie☀️]
  • He'll get scared. [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • They could get rid of him. [+1 Reverie☀️]

Note: If you asked "Do you think Blackmort is involved?" in Ep 2 you will see: [❗You don't trust James! This will affect the plot.]

Jack's Romance Path

❤️ Choice: She was transported to...

  • Rio. (💎30) [❗Jack would like to keep this promise.]
    • Choice: Jack... [No effect]
      • How long have you been smoking?
      • Are you planning to quit?
  • A couple of days earlier. (Free)

Jaffar's Romance Path

❤️ Choice: However, she decided to...

  • Leave a note for Jaffar. (💎10)
  • Stop torturing herself with doubts for the time being. (Free)

Saeed's Romance Path

❤️ Choice: However, she decided to...

  • Leave a note for Saeed. (💎10)
  • Stop torturing herself with doubts for the time being. (Free)

👗 Wardrobe Choice: Choose an outfit.[No effect]

  • Freedom (Free)
  • Sand (💎20)
  • City (💎30)
  • Untamed (💎50)
  • Choose all (💎90) [❗All options have been added to your wardrobe!] [❗Choose what you want to wear now.] (⚠️ This option will not be available during diamond rush events.)

👗 Wardrobe Choice: Choose a hairstyle.[No effect]

  • Ribbon (Free)
  • Volume (💎20)
  • Riot (💎30)
  • Choose all (💎45) [❗All options have been added to your wardrobe!] [❗Choose what you want to wear now.] (⚠️ This option will not be available during diamond rush events.)

Choice: Oh...[No effect]

  • I still think that the flower is gone.
  • It's like we're missing something.
  • This is so complicated...

Choice: Listen...

  • Jack, Adil is right! [+1 The Desert Flower🌹]
  • Adil, Jack is right! [+1 The City Kid🏙️]
  • You both have a point. [+1 The City Kid🏙️] [+1 The Desert Flower🌹]

Adil's Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...

  • (Talk to Adil before leaving.) (💎30) [❗Your love is growing stronger!]
    • Path scene: (You will not see a path scene on The City Kid🏙️ or balance paths)
      • The Desert Flower Path 🌹: You tell Adil that his home is here, in her world, and he has become one with the desert. Adil is pleased that you feel closer to the East than the West.
  • (Say goodbye to Adil.) (Free)

Note: If you told Caroline about the incident at the police station in Ep 2 you will see: [❗Caroline will not let this go!]

💎 Choice: "This isn't like her at all..."

  • (Find out what's wrong.) (💎20) [❗You're getting to know Caroline better!]
  • "I'd better not bother her." (Free) [No effect]

Choice: ...(You can choose all of them.) [No effect]

  • Someone poisoned you. Are you suspecting anyone?
  • Do you know who's behind the missing girls?
  • How do we deal with Murad?

Jaffar's Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...

  • (Lean on Jaffar.) (💎30) [❗You're getting more and more attracted to Jaffar.]
  • (Change the subject.) (Free)

💎 Choice: ...[❗The premium choice will affect the plot!]

  • "No, I should talk to Rabia." (💎20)
  • "Yes, I'll leave it to Amira." (Free)

Maximum stat points available in episode 3:

  • +2 Reverie or Rebellion☀️🗡️
  • +1 The City Kid or The Desert Flower🏙️🌹
  • plus +1 The City Kid or The Desert Flower🏙️🌹

Maximum amount of diamonds needed in episode 3: 💎40 (+135 for wardrobe)

Note: Jack/Adil: +💎30, Saeed: +💎10, Jaffar: +💎40

S3, Ep 4: The Hunt

For the common good, one can agree to a truce with the enemy.

Choice: ...

  • What do you want me to do? [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • What are you talking about? [+1 Reverie☀️]

Note: If you do not have a good relationship with Amira you will see: [❗Mustafa is badly injured. Murad never lets go of a grudge.]

Choice: Hello...

  • Don't you have something to tell me? [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • I think we need to talk. [+1 Reverie☀️]
  • (Smile.) [No effect]

💎 Choice: Amira...[No effect]

  • Tell me about it in detail. (💎21) (You will see a flashback of Rabia, Nafisa, and Kadir)
  • Tell me the gist of it. (Free)

Only available if you chose to talk to Rabia in the previous episode

💎 Choice: "I could keep her here and find out more. This is my chance."

  • Wait. (💎21) [❗You've learned something new about Rabia. This could be useful.]
    • Choice: ... (You can choose both.) [No effect]
      • Why did you marry Jaria off to Murad?
      • Why did you let Mustafa get in trouble?
  • All right. (Free) [No effect]

👗 Wardrobe Choice: Choose an outfit.[No effect]

  • Syrup (Free)
  • Baklava (💎21)
  • Turmeric (💎29)
  • Apricot (💎49)
  • Choose all (💎89) [❗All options have been added to your wardrobe!] [❗Choose what you want to wear now.] (⚠️ This option will not be available during diamond rush events.)

👗 Wardrobe Choice: Choose a hairstyle.[No effect]

  • Shoulder-length (Free)
  • Pigtails (💎21)
  • Long braid (💎29)
  • Choose all (💎45) [❗All options have been added to your wardrobe!] [❗Choose what you want to wear now.] (⚠️ This option will not be available during diamond rush events.)

Path scene:

  • Path of Reverie ☀️: You tell James that you understand his reasoning but he's already helping your city. His influence will be enough to make Murad listen to him. You ask him if he thinks it's humane to shed innocent blood?
  • Path of Rebellion 🗡️: You tell James he has meddled in politics before and is doing it right now. James has enough influence and Murad would rather not spoil his relations with the West, which means he might listen to James.

Choice: Hi...[No effect]

  • Are all Bedouins so perceptive?
  • Have you been eavesdropping?

Note: If you gave Farida some of your clothes in S2, Ep4 you will see: [❗You helped Farida in the past, so she helped you too.]

Choice: ...

  • Yes. [+1 Reverie☀️]
  • As sure as I can be! [+1 Rebellion🗡️]

💎 Choice: ...

  • (Share it.) (💎21) [❗You have a theory and you decided to share it.] [❗This will affect the plot.]
  • (Keep silent.) (Free) [No effect]


  • If you opened the bunny box in S2, Ep6 you will see: [❗In the past, you found a clue in a bunny box.] [❗Maybe it's a red herring.]
  • If you opened the top drawer in S2, Ep6 you will see: [❗In the past, you found evidence in the top drawer.] [❗Maybe it's a red herring...]
  • If you opened the Nutcracker in S2, Ep6 you will see: [❗In the past, you opened the Nutcracker toy. It might be a red herring.]

Note: If you chose to keep looking in S2, Ep6 you will see: [❗In the past, you found a special piece of evidence.]

Path scene:

  • Path of Reverie ☀️: You ask Caroline if she has a theory.
  • Path of Rebellion 🗡️: You tell Caroline to stop beating around the bush and give it to you straight.

💎 Choice: Hmm...

  • (Take it.) (💎21) (This will help you learn more in the next episode)
  • (Don't touch anything.) (Free) [No effect]

Adil's Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...

  • (Take a walk.) (💎49) [❗You've become even closer.]
    • Choice: "Once again, I know the lyrics..." [No effect]
      • (Sing along.)
      • (Listen in silence.)
  • (Go to the hotel.) (Free) [No effect]

Cindy's Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...

  • (Take a walk with Cindy.) (💎49) [❗You've become even closer.]
    • Choice: Hmm... [No effect]
      • Am I unusual?
      • And lonely and forsaken?
  • (Go to the hotel.) (Free) [No effect]

Jack's Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...

  • (Take a walk.) (💎71) [❗Jack wishes he had known about the rebel.] (CGs unlocked) (Depending on your choices: [❗Thanks to your previous choices, you have a lead!]) [❗You've become even closer.]
    • Choice: ... [No effect]
      • (Call out to Jack.)
      • (Watch in silence.)
  • (Go to the hotel.) (Free) [No effect]

Mustafa and Jaffar's Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...[No effect]

  • (Take a walk.)
  • (Go to the hotel.)

Saeed's Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...

  • (Take a walk.) (💎71) (CG unlocked) [❗You spent a special evening together!]
  • (Go to the hotel.) (Free) [No effect]

Zain's Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...

  • (Call Zain.) (💎49) [❗It's too late for that!]
    • Choice: Hmm... [No effect]
      • (Ask him to jump into the pool.)
      • (Ask him to play.)
      • (Ask him to sing a song.)
  • (Go to the hotel.) (Free) [No effect]

Maximum stat points available in episode 4:

  • +3 Reverie or Rebellion☀️🗡️

Maximum amount of diamonds needed in episode 4: 💎84 (+💎134 for wardrobe)

Note: Zain/Adil/Cindy: +💎49, Jack/Saeed: +💎71

S3, Ep 5: Feat

Fancy parties are sometimes harbingers of tragedy.

⚠️ TRIGGER WARNING: This episode contains scenes of violence and murder. Please read on with caution.

Note: If you were able to get Blackmort to help you previously, you will see: [❗You have received a very important gift from James!]

Note: If you are on Zain's romance path and bribed the officer with the ruby bracelet in S1 Ep2, you will receive a pair of earrings from him.

Note: If you took the notebook in the previous episode you will see: [❗You've learned even more about the past!]

Note: If you did NOT bribe the officer with the ruby bracelet in S1 , Ep2, investigated the box in S1, Ep4, Sang a lullaby to the girl in S2, Ep2, and passed the stat checkpoint in S3, Ep1 you will see: [❗You learned something in the past, so now you have a theory!] If you missed one or more of those steps, you will see: [❗Your speculations are vague. This will affect the plot!]

Choice: Saeed...

  • It's time to act. [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • We need to know the truth. [+1 Reverie☀️]

Choice: Um...

  • Without me? [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • Can I come with you? [+1 Reverie☀️]

Only available if you helped get Adil out of the prison in S1, Ep8

Choice: Adil...

  • I have a request, but it's dangerous... [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • I'm already kicking myself for this, but... [+1 Reverie☀️]

Adil's Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...

  • (Ask Adil to stay.) (💎32) [❗It's hard for Adil, but he won't leave you!]
  • (Go to bed.) (Free) [No effect]

Jack's Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...

  • (Ask Jack to stay.) (💎32) [❗Jack is very worried, but he won't leave you!]
  • (Go to bed.) (Free)

Choice: ...

  • No? Why not? [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • Is something wrong? [+1 Reverie☀️]

Zain's Romance Path

❤️ Choice: He pulled her closer and...

  • Kissed her. (💎52) [❗You're both burning with passion and love!]
    • Path scene:
      • Path of Reverie ☀️: Tenderness and burning bubbles up inside you. You lose yourself in him, a man you desperately wanted to escape. But right at the moment, you surrender to that happiness.
      • Path of Rebellion 🗡️: You feel like you're burning, as if wicked demons are frolicking inside you. Zain stirs something unknown in you, something unbearably passionate.
  • Hugged her. (Free)

Choice: Brother, just...

  • Don't overdo it. [+1 Reverie☀️]
  • Be careful. [+1 Rebellion🗡️]

💎 Choice: ...[❗The premium choice will let you follow the guys as they escape.] [❗It will also provide valuable plot information and stats.]

  • (Continue playing as the guys.) (💎68)
    • Choice: ...
      • I'm the one asking the questions here. [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
      • We're examining the prisoners. [+1 Reverie☀️]
    • Choice: Shakib didn't look good. It was clear that he wasn't going to survive another interrogation.
      • (Help Dr. Shakib.) (You need 2 The City Kid🏙️ points)
      • (Keep walking.) (Free) (You don't save Dr. Shakib)
    • Choice: In the next cell, they saw Omar, barely alive.
      • (Help Omar) (You need 2 The Desert Flower🌹 points)
      • (Keep walking.) (Free) (You don't save Omar)
  • (Skip the scene.) (Free) [No effect]

Note: Only if you took the previous diamond choice

  • If you passed both stat checkpoints you will see: [❗You managed to save Omar and Shakib!]
  • If you only passed one stat checkpoint you will see: [❗You managed to save the prisoner!]

👗 Wardrobe Choice: Choose an outfit.

  • Roc (Free) [No effect]
  • Budur (💎18) [No effect]
  • Jasmine (💎32) [No effect]
  • Shereen (💎52) [No effect]
  • Bella (💎68) [+1 Reverie☀️]
  • Mary (💎68) [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • Choose all (💎214) [❗All options have been added to your wardrobe!] [❗Choose what you want to wear now.] (⚠️ This option will not be available during diamond rush events.)

👗 Wardrobe Choice: Choose a hairstyle.[No effect]

  • Mosaic (Free)
  • Ornament (💎18)
  • Threads (💎32)
  • Decoration (💎32)
  • Painting (💎52)
  • Choose all (💎121) [❗All options have been added to your wardrobe!] [❗Choose what you want to wear now.] (⚠️ This option will not be available during diamond rush events.)

👗 Wardrobe Choice: Choose your makeup.[No effect]

  • Tomato (Free)
  • Milkshake (💎32)
  • Coffee (💎68)
  • Choose all (💎90) [❗All options have been added to your wardrobe!] [❗Choose what you want to wear now.] (⚠️ This option will not be available during diamond rush events.)

👗 Wardrobe Choice: Choose your accessories.[No effect]

  • Stud earrings (Free)
  • Necklace (💎18)
  • Large earrings (💎18)
  • Choose all (💎32) [❗All options have been added to your wardrobe!] [❗Choose what you want to wear now.] (⚠️ This option will not be available during diamond rush events.)

💎 Choice: Caroline was wearing a...[No effect]

  • Suit (💎18)
  • Red dress (💎32)
  • Black dress (Free)

Mustafa's Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...

  • (Think of Mustafa.) (💎18) [❗Your love for Mustafa won't let you give up!]
  • (Watch in silence.) (Free) [No effect]

Note: If you received the leader prompt at the end of Ep 1 you will see: [The Hidden Path of the Rebel: A new feeling bubbles inside you. A feeling of rage envelopes you and won't go away. You want to make Saleh regret everything he's done.]

💎 Choice: "I'll dance and..."[❗Adopting the snake will affect the plot!]

  • "Keep the snake." (💎98)
  • "I'll ask Jaffar to take care of the snake." (Free) [No effect]

💎 Choice: When the music began, she twirled around wildly.

  • (Watch the full dance.) (💎68) (CG video unlocked)
  • (Play on.) (Free)

Cindy/Jaffar/Saeed/Zain's Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...

  • Someone's arms wrapping around her. (💎32) [❗LI is here for you. He/She always makes you feel warm!]
  • Someone grabbing her. (Free)

⚠️Please note that this choice does not lead to extra content. It's just a tip option to appreciate the developers.

💎 Choice: Leave a tip for the developers.

  • A grain of sand. (💎5)
  • A date. (💎12)
  • A cup of Arabic coffee. (💎32)
  • A camel. (💎52)
  • Zain's riad! (💎152)
  • I'm not interested. (Free)

Maximum stat points available in episode 5:

  • +7 Reverie or Rebellion☀️🗡️

Maximum amount of diamonds needed in episode 5: 💎266 (+💎457 for wardrobe)

Note: Jack/Adil/Saeed/Jaffar/Cindy: +💎32, Zain: +💎84, Mustafa: +💎18

S3, Ep 6: Quiet

Blood... everywhere. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide... or?

👗 Wardrobe Choice: Choose an outfit.[No effect]

  • Morning (Free)
  • Afternoon (💎23)
  • Evening (💎27)
  • Night (💎47)
  • Choose all (💎87) [❗All options have been added to your wardrobe!] [❗Choose what you want to wear now.] (⚠️ This option will not be available during diamond rush events.)

👗 Wardrobe Choice: Choose a hairstyle.[No effect]

  • Long bob (Free)
  • Light scarf (💎23)
  • Curls (💎27)
  • Perfectly straight (💎27)
  • Choose all (💎69) [❗All options have been added to your wardrobe!] [❗Choose what you want to wear now.] (⚠️ This option will not be available during diamond rush events.)

Choice: ...

  • (Speak louder.) [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • (Take his hand.) [+1 Reverie☀️]
  • (Sit next to him silently.) [No effect]

Note: If you developed a theory in Ep 5, you will see: [❗Your guess gave your father much to think about.]

💎 Choice: He looked at his daughter again and...[No effect]

  • Plunged into the past. (💎23) (Flashback scene of Nafisa and Kadir arguing)
  • Smiled faintly. (Free)

Note: If you chose to talk to Rabia in S3 Ep3, you will see: [❗In the past, you won Rabia's favor and she confided in you!] [❗Now you know one of your father's secrets!]

[❗A qadi is a military leader and the head of the Bedouins.]

Note: If you asked Zuleika about Saleh in S1 Ep7 and you have a good relationship with her, you will see: [❗Zuleika isn't worried about anything, so she shared this information with you!] If you did not ask her about Saleh, you will see: [❗Zuleika is burdened with secrets, but she is not ready to open up.]

Note: If Zuleika was injured in S2 Ep10, you will see: [❗Zuleika was seriously injured. Her health has deteriorated.]

Note: If you allowed Zuleika to read your tea leaves in S1 Ep1, you will see: [❗Thanks to a choice you made earlier, you will receive a special fortune-telling later!]

💎 Choice: ...(⚠️TW: hom*ophobia on Cindy's path if you choose to share your feelings.)

  • (Share your feelings.) (💎23) [❗Now you know Zuleika's opinion!] (Zuleika is only support of Yasmin and Zain's relationship. If Yasmin is romancing anyone else, Zuleika is against it.)
  • (Say goodbye.) (Free) [No effect]

Choice: Miss Germanotti...

  • What do you think you're doing? [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • Have they interviewed the entire delegation? [+1 Reverie☀️]
  • Is everything all right? [+1 Reverie☀️] [+1 Rebellion🗡️]

Mustafa Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...

  • (Stay.) (💎27) [❗Your relationship with Mustafa has improved!]
  • (Leave.) (Free)

Note: If you chose "Definitely" in S1 Ep8, you will see: [❗In the past, Zain helped you save prisoners from torture. It helped you better understand his motives.] [❗You were observant enough to learn more about Zain's past.]

Note: If you are on Adil's romance path, you will see: [❗Zain knows about your feelings for Adil!]

Note: Depending on your choices you might see: [❗You support the rebel's ideas, not Zain's.]

Cindy Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...

  • (Lick her lips.) (💎73) (Sex scene) [❗Your relationship with Cindy has improved significantly!]
    • Choice: Cindy's hands reached for Yasmin's clothes, but... [No effect]
      • She undressed herself.
      • (Let Cindy help.)
    • Choice: Choose a look... [No effect]
      • Naked.
      • Underwear.
    • Choice: Cindy was... [No effect]
      • Naked
      • In her underwear
  • (Tell her.) (Free)

Jack Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...

  • 💜(Move closer.) (💎73) (Sex scene) [❗Your relationship with Jack has improved significantly!]
    • Choice: Choose a look... [No effect]
      • Naked.
      • Underwear.
    • Choice: Jack was... [No effect]
      • Half-naked
      • Naked
    • Choice: I... [No effect]
      • (Be on top.)
      • (Succumb to him.)
  • 💚(Tell her a story.) (💎27) [❗Your relationship with Jack has improved!] [❗You spent a special night with Jack!] [🏆 Achievement Unlocked! Dr. Sexy: You have a very close relationship with Jack. (💎+20)]
  • (Distract her.) (Free) [No effect]

Zain Romance Path (Only available if you were previously in a relationship with Adil and chose not to forgive him)

❤️ Choice: "I..."

  • "Love Zain." (Continue to path scene and diamond choice)
  • "Still miss Adil." [❗You've agreed to be Zain's wife, but you still love Adil!] [❗This will affect the plot.] (You are given an engagement ring but skip the path scene and diamond choice.)

Note: If you are on Zain's romance path he gives you an engagement ring and a dress.

Path scene: ❤️ Zain Romance Path

  • Path of Reverie ☀️: You decide that Zain will see you naked on your wedding night, not before. You draw the curtains shut.
  • Path of Rebellion 🗡️: If you were a little more reckless you would have undressed right there. But that would be cruel so you close the curtain.

Zain Romance Path

❤️ Choice: "Now what?"

  • (Ask Zain for help.) (💎73) [❗Your relationship with Zain has improved significantly!]
  • (Try to do it yourself.) (Free)

💎 Choice: And Yasmin...

  • Remembered something. (💎23) [❗This memory may come in handy!]
  • Looked at Caro again. (Free) [No effect]

Note: If you have a good relationship with Caroline you will see: [❗You have a good relationship with Caroline, so you can play as her!]

Only available if you have a good relationship with Caroline

Choice: ...

  • Are you afraid of being poisoned? [+1 Reverie☀️]
  • Are you sniffing around? [+1 Rebellion🗡️]

Maximum stat points available in episode 6:

  • +3 Reverie or Rebellion☀️🗡️
  • plus +1 Reverie or Rebellion☀️🗡️

Maximum amount of diamonds needed in episode 6: 💎69 (+💎156 for wardrobe)

Note: Mustafa: +💎27, Cindy/Jack/Zain: +💎73

S3, Ep 7: Flame

You're haunted by what happened, but maybe it will help you find answers?

Choice: Oh, he was probably...[No effect]

  • Secretly eating pineapple pizza at work.
  • Also involved in the kidnappings.
  • A henchman of Idris Saleh. ✅(Correct)

Only available if you passed the stat checkpoint in S2 Ep3

Choice: ...[❗You understood her pain and were willing to help. Lamia won't forget this!]

  • Bushra?
  • Salma? ✅(Correct)

Only available if you did NOT pass the stat checkpoint in S2 Ep3

💎 Choice: ...

  • (Persuade her.) (💎20) (Depending on your choices you might see: [❗You understood her pain and were willing to help. Lamia won't forget this!]) [❗You managed to persuade Lamia to help you.]
  • (Leave.) (Free) [No effect]

Note: If you passed the stat checkpoint in S2 Ep3, you will see: [❗In the past, you supported Lamia, so she decided to help you!]

Note: If you received the leader prompt at the end of Ep 1 you will see: [The Hidden Path of the Rebel: You understand that Idris needed to take the rebel out of the game so he hired fake ones to infiltrate the party but he didn't anticipate they would injure his youngest son.]

💎 Choice: "The dancer was spying on someone! Just like last time... But should I tell Caro?"

  • (Tell her.) (💎34) [❗You opened up to Caro, so she understands you better now.]
    • Path scene: (You will not see a path scene on The Desert Flower Path🌹) (On the Balance Path you will question why the city feels so miserable yet your heart still aches for it.)
      • The City Kid Path 🏙️: You tell Caroline that you are suffocated by the desert and you hate almost everything that has happened in Sefer. If your family gets better you plan to leave.
  • (Keep silent.) (Free) [No effect]

Note: If you allowed Zuleika to read your tea leaves in S1 Ep1, you will see: [❗You've received a fortune-telling about you and (LI)!] and if you chose "Still miss Adil" in the previous episode you will see: [❗Fate is warning you!]

Note: If Blackmort gave you the fairytale book in S3 Ep5, you will see: [❗Fairy tales, though far from true, can teach good kids a thing or two!]

Choice: ...

  • I don't give interviews. [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • How can I help you? [+1 Reverie☀️]
  • (Remain silent.) [No effect]

Choice: Hmm...

  • Won't we be a nuisance? [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • But they need help! [+1 Reverie☀️]

👗 Wardrobe Choice: Choose an outfit.[No effect]

  • Hayati (Free)
  • Ayni (💎20)
  • Ya Amar (💎54)
  • Choose all (💎67) [❗All options have been added to your wardrobe!] [❗Choose what you want to wear now.] (⚠️ This option will not be available during diamond rush events.)

👗 Wardrobe Choice: Choose a hairstyle.[No effect]

  • White shayla (Free)
  • Intricate braids (💎20)
  • Very long ponytail (💎34)
  • Choose all (💎49) [❗All options have been added to your wardrobe!] [❗Choose what you want to wear now.] (⚠️ This option will not be available during diamond rush events.)

Adil Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...

  • (Rip his mask off.) (💎66) (Sex scene) (CGs unlocked) [❗You love each other very much!]
    • Choice: Adil was... [No effect]
      • Naked
      • Half-naked
    • Choice: ... [No effect]
      • (Make him feel good.)
      • (Tease him.)
    • Choice: Choose a look... [No effect]
      • Naked
      • In his underwear
  • (Ask him to take off his mask.) (Free)

Mustafa Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...

  • (Kiss him.) (💎66) (Sex scene) (CG unlocked) [❗You're madly in love with each other!]
    • Choice: Choose a look... [No effect]
      • Naked.
      • Underwear.
    • Choice: Mustafa was... [No effect]
      • Naked
      • Underwear
    • Choice: "This position..." [No effect]
      • (Keep going.)
      • (Change position.)
  • (Support him.) (Free)

Jack and Cindy Romance Path

Choice: And beside her...[No effect]

  • There was only the sound of the wind.
  • There was no one and nothing.

Saeed and Jaffar Romance Path

❤️ Choice: And beside her...

  • There was someone special. (💎34) (Saeed's Path: [❗You are dear to each other, and soon Saeed will be able to overcome his fear!])
  • There was only the sound of the wind. (Free)

Note: If you're on Zain's romance path, you will see: [❗You've become Zain's wife!]

Note: If you're not on Zain's loyal romance path, skip the next choice.

Zain Romance Path

❤️ Choice: "It sounds so... exciting, but am I ready?"[❗The premium choice will lead to an intimate scene!]

  • "Yes." (💎154) (Sex scene) (CGs unlocked) [❗You spent a night of love with Zain!] [🏆 Achievement Unlocked! A tough coffee bean to crack: Your relationship with Zain is very close. (💎+20)]
    • Choice: ... [No effect]
      • (Cry out.)
      • (Keep silent.)
    • Path scene:
      • Path of Reverie ☀️: You close your eyes in embarrassment.
      • Path of Rebellion 🗡️: You touch his hand that was still caressing you.
    • Choice: Choose a look... [No effect]
      • Naked.
      • Underwear.
    • Choice: ...
      • Yes. (MC agrees to be blindfolded)
      • No. (MC does not agree to be blindfolded)
    • Choice: Choose Zain's look. [No effect]
      • Look 1
      • Look 2
    • Choice: Which version of the cutscene would you like to see? (Less explicit will give you one CG, more will give you two)
      • Less explicit.
      • More explicit.
  • "No." (Free)

Maximum stat points available in episode 7:

  • +2 Reverie or Rebellion☀️🗡️

Maximum amount of diamonds needed in episode 7: 💎54 (+💎116 for wardrobe)

Note: Adil/Mustafa: +💎66, Saeed/Jaffar: +💎34, Zain: +💎154

S3, Ep 8: Rubedo

It's time to pay someone a visit and try to find out the whole truth.

Note: If you are on Zain's loyal romance path he gives you a painting of you on the beach.

Zain Romance Path

Choice: ...

  • How are you doing? [+1 Reverie☀️]
  • Is everything okay? [+1 Rebellion🗡️]

💎 Choice: ...[❗This choice will unlock special looks for the characters and won't hurt your relationships.] [❗This premium option will allow you to receive a special gift.]

  • (Choose.) (💎75)
  • (Refuse.) (Free) [No effect]

👗 Wardrobe Choice: Choose an outfit.

  • Sun and sand (Free) [No effect]
  • Storm and flames (💎21) [No effect]
  • Dunes and heat (💎30) [No effect]
  • Oasis and thirst (💎45) [No effect]
  • Rose and desert (💎75) [+1 Rebellion🗡️] [+1 Reverie☀️]
  • Choose all (💎154) [❗All options have been added to your wardrobe!] [❗Choose what you want to wear now.] (⚠️ This option will not be available during diamond rush events.)

👗 Wardrobe Choice: Choose a hairstyle.[No effect]

  • Conquest (Free)
  • Transformation (💎21)
  • Bloom (💎30)
  • Riot (💎30)
  • Rebirth (💎45)
  • Choose all (💎113) [❗All options have been added to your wardrobe!] [❗Choose what you want to wear now.] (⚠️ This option will not be available during diamond rush events.)

Choice: Amira...

  • Are you okay? [+1 Reverie☀️]
  • Why are you so quiet? [+1 Rebellion🗡️]

Choice: What if...

  • She's sorry? [+1 Reverie☀️]
  • She felt guilty? [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • It's not that bad? [No effect]

Note: If you have a good relationship with Amira, you will see: [❗You have a good relationship with Amira, so she shared some information with you!]

Choice: ...

  • (Say hello.)✅ [❗The qadi is impressed!] [+1 The Desert Flower🌹]
  • (Keep silent.)❌

Choice: Thank you...

  • (Take it with your right hand.)✅ [+1 The Desert Flower🌹] [+1 The City Kid🏙️]
  • (Take it with your left hand.)❌ [-1 The Desert Flower🌹]

💎 Choice: ...

  • Please do. (💎30) (CGs unlocked) [❗Now you know more about Sefer.]
    • Choice: ...
      • That's inhumane. [+1 Reverie☀️]
      • That damn family! [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • Tell us in brief. (Free) [No effect]

Choice: ...[No effect] (You can ask two questions)

  • You know where the "desert rose" is, don't you?
  • Does the "desert rose" have healing properties?
  • Why are girls disappearing now?

Note: If you studied the book with Jack in S2 Ep5, you will see: [❗You carefully studied the book in the Rio library. It helped you figure everything out!]

Choice: What did you think?

  • Did it suit me? [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • Were you embarrassed? [+1 Reverie☀️]

Choice: ...

  • Is everything okay? [+1 Reverie☀️]
  • There you are. [+1 Rebellion🗡️]

Note: If you are on Adil's romance path and have a good relationship with Zain, you might see: [❗Adil won't let Zain interfere!]

Note: If you are on Zain's loyal romance path, you will see: [❗Zain won't let you risk yourself for the rebel!]

Note: If you are on Adil's romance path you might see: [❗Jaffar is in love with you, but he understands that your heart is taken!]

Note: Depending on your choices you will see:

  • [❗Badi was impressed by your knowledge and shared the full picture with you!] and [❗He saw you as a daughter of the desert, so he decided to tell you the whole story!]
  • or [❗Badi only shared a part of the past with you. This will affect the plot!]

Note: If you saved Dr. Shakib in S3 Ep5, you will see: [❗You saved Dr. Shakib and he told you a terrible secret!] If you did not save Dr. Shakib you will see: [❗It will be more difficult without Dr. Shakib's help!]

Note: If you confided in Dr. Shakib in S2 Ep9 and saved him in S3 Ep5, you will see: [❗You were honest with Shakib in the past and now he trusts you!]

Note: If you told Jack about Saeed in S2 Ep3, you will see: [❗You told Jack about Saeed in time, and he managed to gather some evidence!]

Only available if you believed Ali in S1 Ep3

Choice: Ali...

  • Where's the flower?❌ [❗Ali doesn't like your excessive impulsiveness!]
  • You'll tell me everything, right?✅

Note: If you developed a theory in S3 Ep5 (CG unlocked)

CGs unlocked

Note: If you believed Ali in S1 Ep3, you will see: [❗In the past, you believed Ali and supported him in a moment of grief.] [❗Now it's his turn: you feel better!] [+2 Rebellion🗡️] [+2 Reverie☀️]

Note: If you kept the snake in S3 Ep5, you will see: [❗The snake you saved might come in quite handy!]

Note: If you helped Ali in S1 Ep3, sang to Omar's granddaughter in S2 Ep2, helped Gurub in S3 Ep1, and Badi shared the whole story with you, you will see: [❗In the past, you helped the nomads, and now they are ready to share their secrets with you!] and skip the next choice.

Only available if Badi refused to share their secrets with you

💎 Choice: ...

  • (Persuade Badi.) (💎75) [❗You managed to persuade Badi, and now he's ready to share his secrets with you!]
  • (Do nothing.) (Free) [No effect]

Note: If you saved Akram in S2 Ep10, you will see: [❗You saved Akram. You might need his help!]

Only available if you have a good relationship with Caroline

💎 Choice: ...[No effect]

  • (Play as Caroline.) (💎30) (You will see a tense conversation between Zain and Caroline. If you are romancing only Zain it will be a short conversation between Caroline and Adil.)
  • (Skip this scene.) (Free)

(Note: If you're not on Zain's loyal romance path, skip the next choice.)

❤️ Choice: Perhaps...[❗The premium choice will allow you to see the past of your love interest!]

  • Themselves. (💎30) [❗Your relationship with (LI) has improved!]
  • Peace. (Free) [No effect]

Note: If you bought the premium outfits for everyone earlier in the episode, you will see: [❗You bought outfits for your friends. There's a gift waiting for you in your wardrobe!]

⚠️Please note that this choice does not lead to extra content. It's just a tip option to appreciate the developers.

💎 Choice: Leave a tip for the developers.

  • Couscous. (💎6)
  • Tajine. (💎8)
  • Moroccan tea. (💎30)
  • Sand cat. (💎45)
  • A truck of watermelons for Mustafa! (💎145)
  • Jack's mansion! (💎145)
  • I'm not interested. (Free)

Maximum stat points available in episode 8:

  • +8 Reverie or Rebellion☀️🗡️
  • plus +3 Reverie or Rebellion☀️🗡️
  • +1 The City Kid🏙️
  • +2 The Desert Flower🌹

Maximum amount of diamonds needed in episode 8: 💎285 (+💎113 for wardrobe)

Note: Jack/Adil/Saeed/Jaffar/Cindy/Zain/Mustafa: +💎30

S3, Ep 9: Nigredo

It's dark and scary in this terrible room, but now's not the time to give up, right?

Choice: ...

  • (Call out.) [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • (Look around.) [+1 Reverie☀️]
  • (Do nothing.) [No effect]

Choice: Salma...[No effect]

  • (Call for help.)
  • (Hug her.)

Choice: ...

  • Can you start explaining? [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • Please tell me everything. [+1 Reverie☀️]

Note: Depending on your choices, you will see:

  • [❗You learned enough in the past. You're ready for anything! Probably...]
  • or [❗You learned enough in the past. You're mentally stronger!]
  • or [❗You don't understand what's going on, and it's unsettling!]

Only available if you learned enough in the past

Choice: Salma...

  • I know why we're here. [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • Please forgive me. [+1 Reverie☀️]

⏰ Timed Choice: Wait, look!

  • (Run to the left door.)❌ [❗You're hurt!]
  • (Run to the right door.)❌ [❗You're hurt!]
  • (Run to the window.)✅

💎 Choice: ...[❗The premium choice will allow you to see the main character's memories.] [❗It will also allow you to plunge into the past of your love interest.]

  • (Dive into the past.) (💎31/💎56) If you are romancing someone and not pursuing the disloyal Zain route:[❗Your relationship with (LI) has improved!]
    • Choice: ... [❗Your choice will affect the plot!]
      • "Yes."
      • "No."
  • (Continue.) (Free) [No effect]

Only available if you learned enough in the past

Choice: ...

  • (Don't look away.) [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • (Look away.) [+1 Reverie☀️]

Note: If you passed the Rebellion🗡️ checkpoint in S2, Ep1, you will see: [❗You helped Akif in the past, so he shared information with you!]

Note: If you have Nafisa's dagger, you will see: [❗Nafisa would be proud of you!]. If you do not have Nafisa's dagger and you don't understand what's going on, you will see: [❗You were distraught, so you couldn't protect Salma!]

[❗The flashbacks will let you see what happened through the eyes of the characters!]

Choice: Listen to me...

  • Aren't you ashamed of yourself? [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • How could you do this? [+1 Reverie☀️]

💎 Choice: ...

  • All right. (💎31) [❗This information will be useful!]
    • Choice: ... [No effect]
      • What happened next?
      • All right.
  • I won't believe you anyway. (Free) [No effect]

Choice: Oh...

  • I'm always ready. [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • Aren't you ashamed to even ask? [+1 Reverie☀️]

Choice: Handle everything...?

  • You will not do anything too questionable, I hope? [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • Are you sure you don't need any help? [+1 Reverie☀️]

Cindy's Outfit

💎 Choice: Cindy looked...[❗The premium choices won't hurt your relationships!]

  • Brave (💎18) [No effect]
  • Belligerent (💎31) [+1 Reverie☀️] [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • Strong-willed (Free) [No effect]

Choice: ...

  • (Smile.) [+1 Reverie☀️]
  • (Get to the point.) [+1 Rebellion🗡️]

Note: If you were able to protect Salma earlier in the episode, you will see: (CGs unlocked)

Note: If you are on Cindy's romance path you will see: (CG unlocked) and [❗Cindy will always come to your rescue, no matter where you are!]

Note: If you are not injured, you will see: [❗You helped Jaffar!] If you are injured: [❗Your injury has had an effect. Now Jaffar and Saeed are hurt!]

Note: If you were able to protect Salma earlier in the episode, you will see: [❗You managed to disarm Akif!] If you were not able to protect Salma: [❗You failed to save Salma!]

Note: If you have not been helping Saeed find out about his past you will see: [❗Saeed didn't know the whole truth about himself, so he was overcome with rage!]

👗 Wardrobe Choice: Choose an outfit.

  • Albedo (Free) [No effect]
  • Nigredo (💎18) [No effect]
  • Rubedo (💎31) [No effect]
  • Filius Philosophorum (💎64) [+1 Rebellion🗡️] [+1 Reverie☀️]
  • Choose all (💎101) [❗All options have been added to your wardrobe!] [❗Choose what you want to wear now.] (⚠️ This option will not be available during diamond rush events.)

👗 Wardrobe Choice: Choose a hairstyle.[No effect]

  • Fire (Free)
  • Water (💎18)
  • Air (💎31)
  • Elixir (💎56)
  • Choose all (💎95) [❗All options have been added to your wardrobe!] [❗Choose what you want to wear now.] (⚠️ This option will not be available during diamond rush events.)

If you chose to keep the snake in Episode 5, you have the option to name the snake. The default name is “Serpente”

⚠️Please note that this choice does not lead to extra content. It's just a tip option to appreciate the developers.

💎 Choice: Leave a tip for the developers.

  • Couscous. (💎5)
  • Tagine. (💎10)
  • Moroccan tea. (💎31)
  • Sand cat. (💎56)
  • Jaffar's new uniform! (💎156)
  • I'm not interested. (Free)

Maximum stat points available in episode 9:

  • +10 Reverie or Rebellion☀️🗡️
  • plus +2 Reverie or Rebellion☀️🗡️

Maximum amount of diamonds needed in episode 9: 💎182 (+💎95 for wardrobe)

S3, Ep 10: A Woman's Mark

Here comes the big surprise...

⚠️ TRIGGER WARNING: Warning! This episode contains scenes of violence and death. Please read on with caution.

Choice: ...

  • I have no choice. [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • I'm scared. [+1 Reverie☀️]

Note: If you saved Salma in the previous episode you will see: [❗You saved Salma, and now she can start a new life.] If you did not save Salma: [❗You're devastated by Salma's death...]

Note: Depending on your choices you will see: [❗You know the truth about yourself and you are determined.] OR [❗You know you're in danger, but you're determined.] OR [❗Zain has noticed your turmoil.] OR [❗You and Zain know the depressing truth about you!] OR [❗It's hard for Zain to see you so broken!] OR [❗You're distraught, and Zain understands why!]

This choice is available if you are not on Zain's loyal romance path.

Choice: I understand that it's risky, but...

  • Otherwise, things will get even worse. [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • But what else can I do? [+1 Reverie☀️]

Zain's Loyal Romance Path

Choice: I know you don't want to...

  • But you have to. [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • But what else can I do? [+1 Reverie☀️]

Note: If you saved Dr. Shakib in S3, Ep5 you will see: [❗The information from Dr. Shakib lifted Saeed's spirits!]

The Hidden Path of the Rebel: Zain asks you to be careful and be mindful of the consequences if you do decide to go to the square.

Zain Loyal Romance Path

❤️ Choice: "Upset, huh? I'll be the first one to be upset if I don't say a property goodbye to Zain."

  • Zain, I... (💎50) [❗You're not done yet. Don't betray Zain's trust!]
  • (Go get ready.) (Free)

Zain Disloyal Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...

  • (Reply.) (💎28) [❗You keep flying toward a deadly flame!]
  • (Move on.) (Free)

👗 Wardrobe Choice: Choose an outfit.[❗The last premium outfit will give you double points for the Hidden Path of the Rebel!]

  • Ace in the hole (Free) [No effect]
  • Dark queen (💎23) [No effect]
  • Dark horse (💎28) [+1 Rebellion🗡️] [+1 Reverie☀️]
  • Rebellious cardinal (💎77) [+1 Rebellion🗡️] [+1 Reverie☀️]
  • Choose all (💎116) [❗All options have been added to your wardrobe!] [❗Choose what you want to wear now.] (⚠️ This option will not be available during diamond rush events.)

👗 Wardrobe Choice: Choose a hairstyle.[No effect]

  • Pawn (Free)
  • Knight (💎23)
  • Ferz (💎28)
  • Queen (💎50)
  • Choose all (💎91) [❗All options have been added to your wardrobe!] [❗Choose what you want to wear now.] (⚠️ This option will not be available during diamond rush events.)

Cindy Romance Path

❤️ Choice: She added that...

  • She loved her. (💎50) [❗Your relationship has improved significantly!]
  • It was important for Cindy to take care of herself. (Free)

Adil/Jack/Mustafa Romance Path

❤️ Choice: She added that...

  • She loved him. (💎50) [❗Your relationship has improved significantly!]
  • It was important for him to take care of himself. (Free)

Jaffar Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...

  • I agree! (💎77) [❗You're engaged to Jaffar!]
  • I need more time. (Free)

Saeed Romance Path

❤️ Choice: Saeed...

  • Yes! (💎77) [❗You're engaged to Saeed!]
  • I need more time. (Free)

Note: Depending on your choices you might see: [❗Thanks to a special piece of evidence, you knew who you were going to meet!]

Only available if you knew who you were going to meet.

Choice: You...[No effect]

  • Loved him?
  • Wanted to be like him?

💎 Choice: So...

  • Tell me everything. (💎77/💎101) (CGs unlocked) [❗Caroline likes dealing with you. Your relationship has improved!] (If you came to right conclusions later: [+1 Rebellion🗡️] [+1 Reverie☀️])
    • Choice: And you... [No effect]
      • Did everything yourself?
      • Suddenly realized that he was a liar.
  • Tell me at least something. (Free) [No effect]

You only see this choice if you came to the right conclusions.

Choice: Horses... Palmeira had horses in that creepy room we escaped from![No effect]

  • Are you connected to that too?
  • Why horses?

Note: Depending on your choices you will see:

  • [❗Thanks to Zuleika's information, you came to the right conclusions!] (CG unlocked)
  • or [❗You didn't have enough information to draw the right conclusions!] [❗Your relationship with Caroline has deteriorated significantly!]

Choice: ...[No effect]

  • Didn't he recognize you?
  • He didn't know who you were?

Note: If you did not have Jack listen to Ottavio in the previous episode you will see: [❗Perhaps you should have trusted Ottavio?]

💎 Choice: "Can I empathize with Caro?"

  • "Yes." (💎77) [❗You understand Caroline's motives. This will affect the plot.]
  • "No." (Free) [❗You don't understand Caroline's motives. This will affect the plot.]

Path scene:

  • Path of Reverie ☀️: You ask Caroline if they can make this quick please.
  • Path of Rebellion 🗡️: You tell Caroline to skip the foreplay.

Note: If you had Jack listen to Ottavio in the previous episode you will see: [❗Thanks to Ottavio's information, you've come to understand a lot.] and [+3 Reverie☀️] or [+3 Rebellion🗡️] (depending on your path)

If Jack did not listen to Ottavio: [❗Perhaps you should have trusted Ottavio?]

Only available if you asked Zuleika to tell you about Saleh in S1, Ep7

⏰ Timed Choice: ...(You can keep guessing until you pick the correct one.)

  • "His name." ❌ (Try again.)
  • "Some word..." ❌ (Try again.)
  • "The names of his sons." ✅ [❗Thanks to Zuelika's information, you cracked Facundo's code!]

Note: If you did not ask Zuleika to tell you about Saleh in S1, Ep7, you will skip the previous choice and see: [❗You spent too much time on the code! This will affect the plot!]

Note: If you decided to forgive your father in the previous episode you will see: [❗You forgave your father earlier!] If you did not forgive your father you will see: [❗You didn't forgive your father earlier. You're full of pent-up rage!]

Choice: Well...

  • I'm part of the experiment. [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • At least I'm somewhat similar to the "rose." [No effect]

Choice: Yes...

  • Playing God again. [No effect]
  • He has no fear at all. [No effect]
  • He needed that. ✅ [+1 The Desert Flower🌹] [+1 The City Kid🏙️]
  • I have nothing to add. [No effect]

Choice: Because...

  • I cannot stand idly by. [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • I cannot ignore someone who is in trouble. [+1 Reverie☀️]
  • I have to help the people. [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • That's the kind of person I am. [+1 Reverie☀️]

Note: If you have been confiding in Caroline throughout the story you will see: [❗You confided in Caroline earlier, and now she's being honest with you!] or [❗You didn't confide in Caroline earlier, and now she doesn't trust you!]

Note: If Jack listened to Ottavio in S3, Ep9 you will see: [❗Another accomplice of the villains has been caught!]

Path scene:

  • Path of Reverie ☀️: You see a group of women that need help.
    • Choice: ...
      • (Help the women.) (You need 65 Reverie☀️ points) [❗You managed to help!]
      • (Jump back.) (Free) [❗You've been hurt! This will leave a scar!]
  • Path of Rebellion 🗡️: You see a group of women that need help.
    • Choice: ...
      • (Help the women.) (You need 65 Rebellion🗡️ points) [❗You managed to help!]
      • (Jump back.) (Free) [❗You've been hurt! This will leave a scar!]

Note: If you had Jaffar look for a snack for the cat in S1, Ep12 you will see: [❗Cats don't leave their friends behind!] If you did not have Jaffar look for a snack you will see: [❗Madi is hurt!]

Note: If Jaffar and Saeed were injured in the previous episode you will see: [❗Saeed and Jaffar are dead!]

The Hidden Path of the Rebel:

  • (On Adil's Romance Path) Adil fights the police officers back and tries to make Yasmin step back but she refuses, pressing herself against Adil. They stand together because she isn't scared anymore.
  • (On Zain's Disloyal Romance Path) Adil pulls Yasmin away from the police officer and she clings to him, wondering why she chose the comfort of Zain over what her heart desired in Adil. Zain looks on in fury.

💎 Choice: That's why I don't want to be like you.

  • (Spare Saleh.) (💎50) [❗Zain spared Idris Saleh.]
  • (Leave.) (Free) [❗Idris Saleh is dead.]

⚠️Please note that this choice does not lead to extra content. It's just a tip option to appreciate the developers.

💎 Choice: Leave a tip for the developers.

  • Couscous. (💎6)
  • Cat food (💎28)
  • A turban for Zuleika. (💎50)
  • A new T-shirt for Saeed! (💎143)
  • Adil's hair gel! (💎143)
  • I'm not interested. (Free)

Maximum stat points available in episode 10:

  • +8 Reverie or Rebellion☀️🗡️
  • plus +2 Reverie or Rebellion☀️🗡️
  • +1 The City Kid and The Desert Flower🏙️🌹

Maximum amount of diamonds needed in episode 10: 💎204 (+💎207 for wardrobe)

Note: Adil/Cindy/Jack/Mustafa/Zain: +💎50, Jaffar/Saeed: +💎77

S3, Ep 11: Warda Al Sahra

"She is the desert rose. Each of her masks is a secret promise."

⚠️ TRIGGER WARNING: Warning! This episode contains descriptions of violence, death, and dubious consent. Please read on with caution!

Choice: ...

  • (Scream.) [+1 Reverie☀️]
  • (Look around.) [+1 Rebellion🗡️]

Note: If you are on Zain's romance path and Zain did not let Idris Saleh die: [❗Zain is glad that he was able to save Idris!] If Zain did let Idris Saleh die: [❗Zain is haunted by his memories!]

Cindy Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...

  • I love you! (💎51) [❗Your relationship with Cindy has improved significantly!]
  • Come on! (Free)

Adil/Mustafa/Zain Loyal Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...

  • I love you! (💎51) [❗Your relationship with Adil/Mustafa/Zain has improved significantly!]
  • I will be waiting for you! (Free)

Zain's Disloyal Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...

  • I'm glad you're here! (💎20) [❗Your heart still belongs to Adil!]
  • (Remain silent.) (Free)

Jaffar Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...

  • I love you! (💎51) [❗Your relationship with Jaffar has improved significantly!]
  • I'm glad you're here! (Free)

Saeed Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...

  • I love you! (💎51) [❗Your relationship with Saeed has improved significantly!]
  • I'm with you! (Free)

Only available if you chose to forgive your father.

Choice: Father...[No effect]

  • Your illness...
  • What will happen to you next?

Only available if you chose to forgive your father.

Choice: And Rabia?

  • I don't understand her. [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • In a way, I feel sorry for her. [+1 Reverie☀️]

Only available if you chose to forgive your father.

Choice: Ah...

  • Everything is under control! [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • Don't worry. [+1 Reverie☀️]

Only available if you did NOT forgive your father.

Choice: ...

  • Yes! [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • What choice do I have? [+1 Reverie☀️]

Note: If you decided to forgive your father in S3, Ep9 you will see: [❗You forgave your father earlier!] or [❗You've forgiven your father. You feel much better!]

If you did NOT forgive your father.

💎 Choice: He reached out to her, and she...[❗This is your last chance to mend fences with your father.]

  • Hugged him. (💎70) [❗You managed to forgive your father!]
  • Recoiled. (Free) [❗You couldn't forgive your father!]

💎 Choice: ...[❗The premium choice will improve your relationship with Zueleika and allow you to increase your stats.]

  • I'll explain everything now. (💎51)
    • Choice: No.
      • He wouldn't have told you. [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
      • There's no need to dredge up the past. [+1 Reverie☀️]
  • You see... (Free) [No effect]

💎 Choice: ...

  • (Think about your friends.) (💎33) [❗Your friendships with the characters have improved!]
  • (Think about nature.) (Free) [No effect]

Note: If Akram is alive you will see: [❗It's easier to get there with Akram!] If he is not alive: [❗The road is hard!]

[❗You're about to see through other characters' eyes. You can increase your stats!]

Choice: ...

  • Things will be different now! [+1 Reverie☀️]
  • To hell with them! [+1 Rebellion🗡️]

Note: If you helped Farida in S2, Ep4 you will see: [❗Thanks to Farida's help, Jaria will leave the city safely!] If you have not helped Farida: [❗Farida didn't help, which may cause problems!]

Choice: Listen...

  • I'm proud of you! [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • Thank you! [+1 Reverie☀️]

💎 Choice: ...

  • I'd like to help. (💎70) [❗Your choice will affect the plot!] (Adil will help Zain save Zuleika and Kadir.)
  • I've lost my train of thought. (Free) [No effect]

Choice: ...

  • What is happiness to you?
    • Choice: 💎... [❗The premium choice will help Jack and Gurub get closer!] (If you are not in a relationship with Jack.)
      • (Look at her.) (💎51) (Jack and Gurub will start a relationship.)
      • (Ask a question.) (Free)
  • I think we're almost there, right? [No effect]

Note: If you suspected Blackmort was involved in S3, Ep2 you will see: [❗In the past, you didn't trust Blackmort, so you quickly figured out what was going on!]

Path scene:

  • The Desert Flower Path 🌹: The Bedouins are calling you a traitor.
    • Choice: ...
      • (Address the nomads.) (You need 4 or 6 The Desert Flower🌹 points) [❗The Bedouins believe you!] OR [❗The Bedouins are distraught, just like you. But they believe you!]
      • (Try to get through to them. (Free) [❗The Bedouins are distraught, just like you. They don't believe you!]
  • The City Kid Path 🏙️: The Bedouins are calling you a traitor.
    • Choice: ...
      • (Address the nomads.) (You need 4 or 6 The City Kid🏙️ points) [❗The Bedouins believe you!] OR [❗The Bedouins are distraught, just like you. But they believe you!]
      • (Try to get through to them. (Free) [❗The Bedouins are distraught, just like you. They don't believe you!]

CG Video unlocked

ENDING 1: THE BEDOUINS BELIEVE YOU: [❗You've unlocked one of the endings!]

Note: If you adopted the snake you will see: [❗Your unusual pet has come to your aid!] [🏆 Achievement Unlocked! Treacherous as a snake: You saved the snake, and it helped you. (💎+20)]

[❗You can relax a little!]

Note: If you had Jack share with Caroline in S2, Ep1 you will see: [❗Thanks to past choices, Jack told Caroline about his father's diary!] [❗That conversation helped him realize a lot of things!]

💎 Choice: ...

  • (Look for Caroline.) (💎70) [❗You were able to save Caroline!]
  • (Look around.) (Free) [❗You failed to save Caroline!] (Caroline dies)

ENDING 2: THE BEDOUINS ARE DISTRAUGHT BUT THEY BELIEVED YOU: [❗You've unlocked one of the endings!]

Note: If you adopted the snake you will see: [❗Your unusual pet has come to your aid!] [🏆 Achievement Unlocked! Treacherous as a snake: You saved the snake, and it helped you. (💎+20)]

Path scene:

  • Path of Reverie ☀️: Cindy and Mustafa need help.
    • Choice: ...
      • (Help.) (You need 70 Reverie☀️ points) [❗You were able to help Mustafa and Cindy!]
      • (Call for help.) (Free) [❗Cindy and Mustafa are injured!]
  • Path of Rebellion 🗡️: Cindy and Mustafa need help.
    • Choice: ...
      • (Help.) (You need 70 Rebellion🗡️ points) [❗You were able to help Mustafa and Cindy!]
      • (Call for help.) (Free) [❗Cindy and Mustafa are injured!]

💎 Choice: I think Madi needs help...

  • (Ask Jaffar for help.) (💎70) [❗Thanks to Jaffar's help, you saved Madi!]
  • (Try to help.) (Free) [❗Madi is dead!]

[❗You can relax a little!]

Note: If you had Jack share with Caroline in S2, Ep1 you will see: [❗Thanks to past choices, Jack told Caroline about his father's diary!] [❗That conversation helped him realize a lot of things!]

💎 Choice: ...

  • (Look for Caroline.) (💎70) [❗You were able to save Caroline!]
  • (Look around.) (Free) [❗You failed to save Caroline!] (Caroline dies)

ENDING 3: THE BEDOUINS ARE DISTRAUGHT AND DID NOT BELIEVE YOU [❗You didn't help the Bedouins in the past. You have unlocked one of the hidden endings.]

Depending on your choices you will see: [❗The Bedouins don't believe you!] OR [❗The Hidden Path of the Rebel] [❗The people are against you!]

Note: If you adopted the snake you will see: [❗Your unusual pet has come to your aid!] [❗The snake is angry, just like you!]

Path scene:

  • Path of Reverie ☀️: .
    • Choice: ...
      • (Help.) (You need 70 Reverie☀️ points) [❗You were able to survive!]
      • (Call for help.) (Free) (CG unlocked) [❗You died!] (CGs unlocked) [❗You couldn't avoid deaths!]
  • Path of Rebellion 🗡️: .
    • Choice: ...
      • (Help.) (You need 70 Rebellion🗡️ points) [❗You were able to survive!]
      • (Call for help.) (Free) (CG unlocked) [❗You died!] (CGs unlocked) [❗You couldn't avoid deaths!]

Zain Disloyal Romance Path (The Hidden Path of the Rebel)

❤️ Choice: ...[⚠️❗Warning! The premium choice contains descriptions of death, dubious consent, and physical harm.] [❗It will give you access to a hidden scene and a secret ending. Please read on with caution,,.]

  • Zain, please! (💎70) (CGs unlocked) [❗You died qalbi!]
  • (Remain silent.) (Free)

[❗This story is not over yet! The epilogue awaits you in episode 12!]

Maximum stat points available in episode 11:

  • +6 Reverie or Rebellion☀️🗡️

Maximum amount of diamonds needed in episode 11: 💎415

Note: Adil/Cindy/Mustafa/Zain/Jaffar/Saeed: +💎51

S3, Ep 12: Closure

"I dream of gardens in the desert sand. I wake in pain. I dream of love as time runs through my hand."

⚠️ TRIGGER WARNING: Warning! This episode contains descriptions of violence, death, and dubious consent. Please read on with caution!

Depending on your choices:

  • [❗Your previous choices have affected the future of Sefer!] (Continue the episode)
  • OR [❗Your previous choices had a negative impact on the ending!] [❗You've unlocked one of the secret endings!] (The episode ends)

Note: Depending on your choices:

  • If you saved the snake: [❗Your previous choices had a positive impact on the ending!]
  • If you did not save the snake: [❗You didn't save the snake. Things didn't go so well!]

Note: The requirements for this achievement are unconfirmed: [🏆 Achievement Unlocked! Sefer's hope: You saved everyone at the crucial moment. (💎+100)]

Note: If you injured yourself at any point in Season 3 you will see: [❗You were injured in the past. This affected your well-being!]

Choice: ...

  • Yes, of course. [+1 Rebellion🗡️]
  • Goodbye. [+1 Reverie☀️]

👗 Wardrobe Choice: Choose an outfit.[No effect]

  • Ending (Free)
  • Finale (💎21)
  • Full Stop (💎48)
  • Closure (💎71)
  • Choose all (💎126) [❗All options have been added to your wardrobe!] [❗Choose what you want to wear now.] (⚠️ This option will not be available during diamond rush events.)

👗 Wardrobe Choice: Choose a hairstyle.[No effect]

  • First (Free)
  • Second (💎21)
  • Third (💎48)
  • Fourth (💎71)
  • Choose all (💎126) [❗All options have been added to your wardrobe!] [❗Choose what you want to wear now.] (⚠️ This option will not be available during diamond rush events.)

👗 Wardrobe Choice: Choose your makeup.[No effect]

  • First (Free)
  • Second (💎26)
  • Third (💎71)
  • Choose all (💎87) [❗All options have been added to your wardrobe!] [❗Choose what you want to wear now.] (⚠️ This option will not be available during diamond rush events.)

💎 Choice: ...[No effect]

  • (Recall in detail.) (💎48)
  • (Recall it briefly.) (Free)

Note: If you had Jack listen to Ottavio in S3, Ep9, Ottavio helps Kadir get better: [❗Your previous choices have led to this outcome!]

If Caroline and Akif are alive.

Choice: ...[❗Thanks to your previous choices, you've unlocked a special scene!]

  • You make me sick.
  • (Keep silent.)

If Caroline and Akif are alive.

💎 Choice: ...[❗Thanks to your previous choices, you've unlocked a special scene!]

  • Yes. (💎71) (If you developed a good relationship with Blackmort: [❗You earned James' respect in the past, so you saw this reaction from him!])
    • Choice: ... [No effect]
      • That's why Salma was kidnapped.
      • And you had Salma kidnapped.
    • Choice: ... [No effect]
      • Have it your way.
      • Only time will tell.
  • No. (Free)

Jack/Cindy/Mustafa Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...[❗Thanks to your previous choices, you've unlocked a special scene!]

  • (Call someone special.) (💎71)
    • Choice: ...
      • (Move even closer.) (Sex scene)
      • (Take his/her hand.) (No effect)
  • (Enjoy the silence.) (Free)

Adil/Jaffar/Saeed Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...[❗Thanks to your previous choices, you've unlocked a special scene!]

  • (Call someone special.) (💎71)
    • Choice: ...
      • (Kiss him.) (Sex scene on Adil's path.)
      • (Take his hand.) (No effect)
  • (Enjoy the silence.) (Free)

Zain Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...[❗Thanks to your previous choices, you've unlocked a special scene!]

  • (Call someone special.) (💎71)
    • Choice: ...
      • (Kiss him.) (Sex scene)
      • (Admire him silently.) (No effect)
  • (Enjoy the silence.) (Free)

Zain Disloyal Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...[❗Thanks to your previous choices, you've unlocked a special scene!]

  • (Call Adil.) (💎48) [❗You've chosen Adil!] (You end the story on Adil's path.)
  • (Call Zain.) (💎48)
    • Choice: ...
      • (Give in to him.) [❗You've chosen Zain!] (You end the story on Zain's path.)
      • (Tell the truth.) [❗You've chosen Adil!] (You end the story on Adil's path.)
  • (Enjoy the silence.) (You end the story on Zain's path.)

Depending on your choices: [❗You've unlocked a bonus scene!]

💎 Choice: ...[No effect]

  • (Continue the speech.) (💎48)
  • (Finish the speech.) (Free)

Note: If you unlocked the bonus scene: [🏆 Achievement Unlocked! The legendary Desert Rose: We are the "desert roses." A bit broken, but very strong! (💎70)] and Lamia will give you a Rose Pendant with a dagger.

Note: Depending on your choices you might see: [❗You saved your mother's list in the past! That's why you are on this path!]

Note: Depending on your choices:

  • If Caroline is alive and you have a good relationship with her: [❗You've unlocked a bonus scene!] [❗Thanks to your previous choices, you were able to destroy the archival records and hide the terrible truth!]
  • If Caroline is alive but you do not have a good relationship with her: [❗You couldn't help Caroline!] [❗Due to your previous choices, you won't be able to destroy the archival records and hide the terrible truth!]

Note: Depending on your choices:

  • If Adil offered to help Zain in S3, Ep11 and/or had Jack listen to Ottavio in S3, Ep9 you will see: [❗You've unlocked a bonus scene!] [❗Sefer has hope for a bright future!]
  • If Adil did not offer to help Zain and did not have Jack listen to Ottavio in S3, Ep9 you will see: [❗Alas, you failed to help the city!]

Note: Depending on your choices:

  • If you have a good relationship with Zuleika you will see: [❗Thanks to your previous choices, Zuleika has found happiness!]
  • If you do not have a good relationship with Zuleika you will see: [❗Zuleika doesn't have long to live!]

Note: Depending on your choices:

  • If you helped Farida in the past you will see: [❗Thanks to Farida's help, Jaria has found happiness!]
  • If you did not help Farida in the past you will see: [❗You failed to help Jaria escape!

Note: Depending on your choices:

  • If Zain spared Idris Saleh in S3, Ep11 you will see: [❗The evil of the Saleh family has come to an end!]
  • If Zain did not spare Idris Saleh in S3, Ep11 you will see: [❗You didn't save Idris. Who knows what will happen next!]

Adil Friendship Path (Not available if you played matchmaker between Jack and Gurub in Ep11.)

Choice: His heart...

  • Seemed to be drawn to Gurub.
  • Was free so far.

Jack Friendship Path (Not available if you played matchmaker between Jack and Gurub in Ep11.)

Choice: His heart...

  • Seemed to be drawn to Gurub.
  • Was free so far.

Mustafa Friendship Path

Choice: His heart...(Not available if you romanced Cindy.)

  • Seemed to be drawn to Cindy.
  • Was free so far.

Cindy Friendship Path

Choice: Her heart...(Not available if you romanced Mustafa or Jaffar.)

  • Seemed to be drawn to Mustafa.
  • Seemed to be drawn to Jaffar.
  • Was free so far.

Jaffar Friendship Path

Choice: His heart...(Not available if you romanced Cindy.)

  • Seemed to be drawn to Cindy.
  • Was free so far.

Saeed Friendship Path

Choice: His heart...

  • Seemed to be drawn to Muna.
  • Was free so far.

Note: Depending on your choices:

  • If you forgave your father you will see: [❗You have a good relationship with your father. His health is not in danger!]
  • If you did not forgive your father you will see: [❗You didn't forgive your father. He died.] OR [❗You didn't forgive your father. He died a painful death!]

Note: If you adopted the snake you will see: [❗Your snake is always with you!]

Note: If you have a good relationship with the cat you will see: [❗Now you have a cat!]

Note: If Caroline is alive but you didn't have a good relationship with her and you did not romance Zain you will see: [❗Thanks to your previous choices, you can unlock a bonus scene with Zain and Caroline!] and get the choice below.

If you unlocked the bonus scene described above.

💎 Choice: I want to...[No effect]

  • Unlock it. (💎71) (Zain visits Caroline in prison and it's heavily implied he intends to help break her out.)
  • Move on. (Free)

Note: If you've built up your relationship with your LI enough you will see: [❗You have a very close relationship with your love interest. You've unlocked a special scene!]

Only available if you are on the Balance Path 🏙️🌹

Choice: But in the end, she chose...

  • The East. (The Desert Flower🌹)
  • The West. (The City Kid🏙️)

Zain Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...[❗The premium choice will give you access to an intimate scene!] [❗You don't have to unlock it and can keep playing without it!]

  • I want this. (💎103) (Sex scene) (CGs unlocked)
    • Choice: He... [No effect]
      • Spanked her.
      • Did it very confidently.
  • I don't want this. (Free)

Note: If you are on Zain's romance path: [❗You've unlocked the ending with Zain on the City Kid Path!] OR [❗You've unlocked the ending with Zain on the Desert Flower Path!] (CG unlocked)

Adil Romance Path (The Desert Flower🌹)

❤️ Choice: ...[❗You've unlocked the ending with Adil on the Desert Flower Path!]

  • All right. (💎71) (CGs unlocked)
  • (Move a little further away.) (Free) (CG unlocked)

Adil Romance Path (The City Kid🏙️)

❤️ Choice: ...[❗You've unlocked the ending with Adil on the City Kid!]

  • I'm dreaming aren't I? (💎71) (CGs unlocked)
  • (Keep silent.) (Free) (CG unlocked)

Cindy Romance Path (The Desert Flower🌹)

❤️ Choice: ...[❗You've unlocked the ending with Cindy on the Desert Flower Path!]

  • Yes! (💎71) (CGs unlocked)
  • Let's lie here a little longer. (Free) (CG unlocked)

Cindy Romance Path (The City Kid🏙️)

❤️ Choice: ...[❗You've unlocked the ending with Cindy on the City Kid Path!]

  • Do you know the legend behind it? (💎71) (CGs unlocked)
  • Me too. (Free) (CG unlocked)

Jack Romance Path (The Desert Flower🌹)

❤️ Choice: ...[❗You've unlocked the ending with Jack on the Desert Flower Path!]

  • Make a speech! (💎71) (CGs unlocked)
  • (Stay quiet.) (Free)

Jack Romance Path (The City Kid🏙️)

❤️ Choice: ...[❗You've unlocked the ending with Jack on the City Kid Path!]

  • Yes! (💎71) (CGs unlocked)
  • (Stay put.) (Free)

Mustafa Romance Path (The Desert Flower🌹)

❤️ Choice: ...[❗You've unlocked the ending with Mustafa on the Desert Flower Path!]

  • Mustafa, let's dance! (💎71) (CG unlocked)
  • (Do nothing.) (Free)

Mustafa Romance Path (The City Kid🏙️)

❤️ Choice: ...[❗You've unlocked the ending with Mustafa on the City Kid Path!]

  • Let's stay here a little longer. (💎71) (CGs unlocked)
  • Let's go home. (Free)

Jaffar Romance Path (The City Kid🏙️)

❤️ Choice: ...[❗You've unlocked the ending with Jaffar on the City Kid Path!] [❗The premium choice will give you access to an intimate scene!] [❗You don't have to unlock it and can keep playing without it!]

  • I want this. (💎103) (Sex scene) (CGs unlocked)
    • Choice: ... [No effect]
      • (Take the lead.)
      • (Let him lead.)
    • Choice: Jaffar was... [No effect]
      • Naked
      • In his underwear
    • Choice: Choose a look... [No effect]
      • Naked.
      • In your underwear.
  • I don't want this. (Free)

Saeed Romance Path (The Desert Flower🌹)

❤️ Choice: ...[❗You've unlocked the ending with Saeed on the Desert Flower Path!] [❗The premium choice will give you access to an intimate scene!] [❗You don't have to unlock it and can keep playing without it!]

  • I want this. (💎103) (Sex scene) (CG unlocked)
    • Choice: Saeed was... [No effect]
      • Naked
      • In his underwear
    • Choice: Choose a look. [No effect]
      • Naked.
      • In your underwear.
    • Choice: ... [No effect]
      • (Take his hand.)
      • I want you there... with your tongue.
  • I don't want this. (Free)

Note: If you are on Saeed's romance path: (CG unlocked) and [🏆 Achievement Unlocked! Young hearts: Your relationship with Saeed is very close. (💎20)]

Adil/Jaffar/Jack/Mustafa/Zain Romance Path

❤️ Choice: ...[❗You can see bonus scenes with some love interests!]

  • I want to peek into the future and see my children. (💎26)
  • I'm not interested in that. (Free)

⚠️Please note that this choice does not lead to extra content. It's just a tip option to appreciate the developers.

💎 Choice: Thank the developers.

  • Thank you. (💎6)
  • Thank you. (💎10)
  • Thank you. (💎26)
  • Thank you. (💎48)
  • Thank you. (💎150)
  • I'm not interested. (Free)

Maximum stat points available in episode 12:

  • +1 Reverie or Rebellion☀️🗡️

Maximum amount of diamonds needed in episode 12: 💎238 (+💎339 for wardrobe)

Note: Jack/Adil/Mustafa +💎168, Cindy +💎142, Jaffar/Zain: +💎200, Saeed: +💎174

Note: You have completed the finale of the book The Desert Rose! We hope you enjoyed the story. If you didn't get the ending you wanted, you can always replay it and discover new things you didn't see in your previous playthrough. Have fun!

Note: This walkthrough page is currently a work in progress! Thanks in advance for your patience as the volunteer team works on all possible routes.

The Desert Rose Season 3 walkthroughs (2024)
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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.